We are committed to being a welcoming department in which all can feel welcome and thrive. We hold an Athena SWAN silver award and are a supporter of the London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme.
Women are still underrepresented in Statistics at all levels. The Department of Statistics actively works to remove barriers to participation in our field, and to be an inclusive and welcoming place to learn, do research, and work.
Our commitment to gender equality is reflected in our Athena SWAN silver award, but also in the range of policies we have in place, and events and initiatives we take part in as a department. We are proud of the progress we have made. In the 2022-23 academic year:
- 42% of our undergraduate population were women (national benchmark 37%)
- 44% of our MSc population were women (national benchmark 42%)
- 26% of our DPhil population were women (national benchmark 29%).
50% of our Statutory and Titular Professors are women.
Read our Athena Swan Silver Award submission.
Menopause Pledge
The Department is signed up to the Menopause Workplace Pledge, committing us to recognising that the menopause is a workplace issue, and that women need support, as well as talking respectfully and openly about the menopause, and actively supporting and informing colleagues. The University has specific guidance for staff experiencing menopause.
Summer Research Internships
The Department runs annual paid summer research internships to give undergraduate students an opportunity to experience graduate research. In 2022, 3 out of 5 interns were women, and 4 out of 5 went on to graduate research following the internship.
Step Forward
Step Forward is a Personal Development Programme for Women, open to all women students (those who identify as women) in all subject areas at Oxford University.
Oxford Females in Engineering, Science, and Technology (OxFEST)
OxFEST is one of the largest student-led societies at the University of Oxford. OxFEST promotes gender equality in STEM subjects by supporting women studying or working in these fields, spreading awareness of diversity issues in STEM, and encouraging community members to become advocates.
RisingWISE is an Oxbridge network inspired by EnterpriseWISE: designed by women for women and delivered entirely by women.
Enterprising Women
Enterprising Women aims to encourage, inspire and support the participation of female STEM researchers (those who identify as women or non-binary) in innovation and entrepreneurship, through a variety of events and programmes.
The University’s participation in the Race Equality Charter provides a framework for analysis and results in a comprehensive action plan to promote race equality. The University holds a Bronze Race Equality Award.
The department's Race Equality Action Plan outlines the specific objectives and actions we are taking towards improving Race Equality in our field. Our Oxford and Colonialism statement outlines how we approach historic disadvantage and enduring legacy of differential opportunities.
Mfano Africa – Oxford Mathematics' Virtual Mentorship Programme
The Department participates in the annual Mfano Africa initiative – Oxford Mathematics' Virtual Mentorship Programme. This mentorship programme works with promising pre-PhD students based in sub-Saharan Africa who wish to pursue graduate study within the mathematical sciences.
BME Staff Network
The BME Staff Network offers information and subscription to the Black and Minority Ethnic staff network.
Target Oxbridge
The Target Oxbridge programme helps high-achieving black students gain places at the UK’s top universities.
Race Equality Newsletter
Every two weeks in term-time the Equality and Diversity Unit compiles a Race Equality Newsletter rounding up talks, events, and projects that may be of interest. To subscribe, please email: race-equality-network-subscribe@maillist.admin.ox.ac.uk.
Black History Month
The BME Staff Network and Equality and Diversity Unit of the University of Oxford celebrate Black History Month every October with a series of content streams and events recognising and appreciating the contributions that BME communities make to society and the University itself.
As an employer we recognise that, in the UK, people experiencing mental ill health continue to report stigma and discrimination. We are committed to creating a supportive and open culture, where colleagues are able to talk about mental health. We are also committed to ensuring that our employees feel safe in disclosing any mental health conditions and confident that they will be properly supported and offered reasonable adjustments when required. The University of Oxford has signed the Mindful Employer’s Charter for employers who are positive about mental health, and as a department we prioritise the mental health of our community.
The Department has a number of trained Mental Health First Aiders who you can contact:
University of Oxford Counselling Service
The University of Oxford Counselling Service helps students gain understanding and insight into any difficulties they may be experiencing, to develop emotional resilience and put into effect real change, enabling them to fulfil your academic and personal potential.
University of Oxford Occupational Health Service
The University of Oxford Occupational Health Service has many resources available online regarding mental well-being, and HR Support has information about the prevention and management of work-related stress.
All University Staff and students can now access Togetherall, an online peer-to-peer support community. The service is free and support is available 24/7 from anywhere via a web browser. It offers online discussions moderated by mental health professionals, as well as self-learning courses and resources.
Wellbeing at Oxford
The University's Wellbeing at Oxford pages focus on student mental health and wellbeing. It provides information about the new Student Wellbeing and Mental Health strategy and provides easy access to information for students looking for wellbeing support. Health Assured is confidential employee benefit designed to help you deal with any personal and professional problems that may affect your home or work life, health, and general wellbeing.
The Department of Statistics is committed to making its teaching, resources, facilities and services available to students, staff and others with disabilities as appropriate to ensure that they are not at a disadvantage. In some cases, this may require reasonable adjustments to the building, facilities, services or teaching methods. The University of Oxford’s initiatives to promote a more inclusive workplace and Buildings Access Guide provides more information.
Disability Coordinator – Jonathan Whyman (jonathan.whyman@stats.ox.ac.uk)
Jonathan is the first port of call for all matters relating to access.
Disability Lead – Dr Neil Laws (neil.laws@stats.ox.ac.uk)
The Disability Lead has strategic oversight of provision for disabled students.
Students with disabilities should consult the Disability Advisory Service as soon as possible at the start of their studies. Information on disability contacts, financial support, adjustments to teaching and examination arrangements, and an access guide to University buildings are available online.
- Support for disabled staff
- Information for disabled staff, students, applicants and visitors as well as for those supporting individuals with a disability.
- Occupational Health Service
- A guide for staff supporting disabled students
- Support for disabled visitors to the University
University of Oxford Podcasts has a collection of audio and video lectures on LGBT+ topics.
Stonewall is Europe’s largest lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) charity, and the University of Oxford is proud to be part of its Diversity Champion Programme.
University of Oxford Networks for LGBT+ Role Model offers information on the LGBT+ Role Models Network, current Role Models, and how to join.
University of Oxford Network for LGBT+ Staff offers information on the LGBT+ Staff Network, support and advice, and staff benefits.
University of Oxford Network for LGBT+ Allies offers information on the LGBT+ Allies Network, current Allies, and how to join.
Returning Carers Fund supports those who have taken a break for caring responsibilities to re-establish their research careers.
The University offers a range of supportive initiatives to help carers whoever they are caring for.
My Family Care is a University benefit for all employees that offers access to emergency back-up childcare and adultcare, a ‘speak to an expert’ phone line, and a wide range of guides and webinars through a website called the Work + Family space.
Family leave support for staff and students
For staff: Guidance on family leave including maternity leave, paternity leave, adoption leave, shared parental leave, unpaid parental leave and fertility treatment leave.
For students: The University of Oxford offers a comprehensive range of childcare options and provision for families, as well as support to help you settle in and get the most out of your studies.
The University’s Equality and Diversity Unit’s (EDU) page on Religion and Belief lists various societies, and also information about University prayer spaces.
Students and members of staff will find that there is a wide variety of places of worship within the University and in and around the City Centre. For details see the faith societies and belief group webpage.
The EDU’s equality calendar includes details of religious festivals for which staff might reasonably request leave.
The University of Oxford is committed to supporting Estranged Students who are studying without the support and approval of their families.
The University of Oxford’s Stand Alone Pledge.
Meet our students: Emmanuelle Dankwa
My research is highly relevant to the promotion of public health and wellbeing. When individuals and governments have a clearer understanding of the factors which influence the spread of infectious diseases, they will be in a better position to take the best actions to prevent and control outbreaks. Consequently, more people will be protected against infectious diseases and more lives will be saved.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is considered in all aspects of departmental life. Responsibility for work in this area is driven by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, who meet twice per term and consists of a representative subgroup of the department. Garrett Morris and Mareli Grady chair EDI Committee.
EDIC meets in Week 5 each term. Meeting agendas and minutes are available to members of the Department.
Department of Statistics Athena Swan Silver Award Application 2023