Access to the library
If you are not a member of the Department of Statistics you will have to request access.
Members of the Department
- Staff: automatically given access to the library.
- Graduate Research students: automatically given access to the library.
- MSc in Statistical Science students: automatically given access to the library.
- OMMS students : can be given access if they are doing a statistics project.
- MMath Mathematics and Statistics students: fourth-years are given access, other years are not permitted to use the library.
- Visitors to the Department: access granted if requested.
Member of the wider University
All new readers from outside the Department must register with the librarian, please e-mail
- Staff and graduate research students: admitted on request, please make an appointment by email to register.
- Master’s students: admitted on request with a letter of recommendation from a supervisor, please make an appointment by e-mail to register.
- Undergraduate students: not permitted to use the library. MMath Mathematics students may gain admittance if they are doing a Statistics-based project.
- Visitors: may be given access to books under special circumstances.
A current University card is required to access the library.
Borrowing Information
Below are the loan periods and limits for patrons. All loans can be renewed online via SOLO.
Loan limit – 9 books
Loan period – 4 weeks
Loan renewal – 9 times
Loan limit – 9 books
Loan period – 4 weeks
Loan renewal – 4 times
Loan limit – 3 books
Loan period – 4 weeks
Loan renewal – 9 times
Loan limit – 3 books
Loan period – 4 weeks
Loan renewal – 3 times
SOLO – Search Oxford Libraries Online
Oxford University Research Archive (ORA)
Mathematical Institute eprints archive
- – eprint archive (Cornell University Library)
Front for Mathematics ArXiv (UC Davis)
Statistics Resources
Statistics Library Leaflet including rules of conduct
Whitehead Library, Mathematical Institute
Opening Hours
Departmental staff, research students and MSc in Statistical Science students: 24-7 access.
All other library patrons: 8.30-17.00 Monday-Friday.