Access to the library

If you are not a member of the Department of Statistics you will have to request access. 

Members of the Department 

  • Staff: automatically given access to the library. 
  • Graduate Research students: automatically given access to the library. 
  • MSc in Statistical Science students: automatically given access to the library. 
  • OMMS students : can be given access if they are doing a statistics project. 
  • MMath Mathematics and Statistics students: fourth-years are given access, other years are not permitted to use the library. 
  • Visitors to the Department: access granted if requested. 

Member of the wider University 

All new readers from outside the Department must register with the librarian, please e-mail

  • Staff and graduate research students: admitted on request, please make an appointment by email to register. 
  • Master’s students: admitted on request with a letter of recommendation from a supervisor, please make an appointment by e-mail to register. 
  • Undergraduate students: not permitted to use the library.  MMath Mathematics students may gain admittance if they are doing a Statistics-based project. 
  • Visitors: may be given access to books under special circumstances. 

A current University card is required to access the library. 

Borrowing Information

Below are the loan periods and limits for patrons. All loans can be renewed online via SOLO. 


  • SOLO – Search Oxford Libraries Online

  • Oxford University Research Archive (ORA

  • Mathematical Institute eprints archive  

  • – eprint archive (Cornell University Library) 


Library administration:  Hannah Harrison


Opening Hours

Departmental staff, research students and MSc in Statistical Science students: 24-7 access. 

All other library patrons: 8.30-17.00 Monday-Friday.