Dr Ben Lambert

Academic Director Schmidt Futures

Biographical Sketch

I am a mathematician and a statistician with a strong interest in biological systems, and I develop computational methods that help to uncover the biological mechanisms which describe how pathogens spread within vectors or through populations. I am also interested in computational statistical methods and I am a lead developer on PINTS, a sandbox environment for benchmarking optimisation and sampling methods, which simultaneously ranks methods' performance and makes these methods immediately available to the community. I am a passionate communicator of statistical ideas and I develop open-source materials which allow other researchers to understand cutting-edge methods.

Research Interests

Bayesian statistics, computational biology, Bayesian nonparametrics, computational statistics


Lees, R., Lissenden, N., Churcher, T., Hancock, P., Ismail, H., Kont, M., Lambert, B., Lenhart, A., McCall, P., Moyes, C., Paine, M., Praulins, G. and Weetman, D. (2021) “REVIEWING THE EVIDENCE FOR AND AGAINST SELECTION OF SPECIFIC PYRETHROIDS FOR PROGRAMMATIC PURPOSES”, in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE, pp. 432–432.

Contact Details

Associate Fellow of Reuben College

Email: ben.lambert@stats.ox.ac.uk

Office number: 2.10

Graduate Students

Sumali Bajaj (Oxford - Biology)

David Augustin (Oxford - CS)

Richard Creswell (Oxford - CS)

Mara Kont (Imperial)

Ioana Bouros (Oxford - CS)

Katherine Shepherd (Oxford - CS)

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