Oxford has just launched UNIQ+, six-week Summer School for talented individuals from under-represented groups in UK universities. UNIQ+ is free to take part in: it includes a £2,500 stipend, plus free accommodation in an Oxford college. It will give you the opportunity to experience postgraduate research at Oxford by carrying out a research project, and a chance to meet our staff and student community. It will run 1 July to 9 August 2019. UNIQ+ is an initiative of the EPSRC and MRC SABS:R3 CDT, one of the new Centers for Doctoral Training that the Department of Statistics is heavily involved in. The Head of the Department of Statistics, Prof. Charlotte M. Deane, and Prof. Garrett M. Morris, are both Co-Directors of SABS:R3 (Sustainable Approaches to Biomedical Science:Responsible and Reproducible Research) CDT SABS:R3 is an industrial doctoral training programme governed by a unique open innovation agreement. Further details are available on the UNIQ+ website.