
Transfer of Status should normally be completed by the end of your fourth term. You must ensure that you allow sufficient time between submitting your application (GSO.2MPLS) for transfer of status and your transfer viva/presentation. As such you should submit your application for transfer of status by Wednesday of 5th week of your fourth term.

All students are required to complete the University’s online Research Integrity training course, before applying for Transfer of Status.  You will not be permitted to submit your application for Transfer until you have completed the training.

Confirmation of Status should normally happen in your third year. In any case confirmation of status for DPhil students must take place no later than your nineth term after admission. The relevant application forms to submit are GSO.14MPLS.

MPLS progression & key milestones

When you and your supervisor are agreed that your thesis is within one term (and the vacation which follows) of completion for submission, you should complete GSO.3, your Supervisor will complete the section indicating names of the proposed examiners.

MPLS submitting your thesis

Once the thesis has been submitted, the examiners will arrange a date for the viva voce (i.e. oral) examination. This is formal, so you must wear subfusc. After the examination the examiners will submit their report and recommendation to the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Divisional Board.

MPLS examination and graduation


The Department of Statistics organises distinguished speaker seminars usually on Fridays during term:

Department of Statistics Distinguished Speaker Seminars

Fridays@4 is a programme for graduate students, postdoctoral research associates and research fellows that covers many of the important aspects of academic life that are not addressed elsewhere:


APTS – Academy for PhD Training in Statistics  - each year 4 x week long  courses consisting of two modules, each of which corresponds to about 20 hours of training:


Useful guidance on training and career development with courses to sign up for:

MPLS Graduate School - Career Development and Training

The Careers Service

Travel and Conference Funding

The majority of DPhil students in the Department of Statistics have access to £300 per year in years 1-3 and years 2-4 for CDT students (£900 in total) travel allowance to be used over the course of their DPhil up until submission of their thesis.  It should be noted that there may be specific funding related to particular studentships and CDT funded students that are not covered on this webpage.

Before you commit any expenditure

Spend up to the amount agreed with your supervisor

  • You will likely spend money in advance of the trip (for travel etc) and whilst on the trip (food etc).
  • All expenditure should be eligible for reimbursement under university regulations.  These are detailed here and include common sense rules such as using economy class travel.
  • If you choose to extend your trip for non-business purposes you can only claim up to the amount you would have claimed if you had not extended the trip.

Claim back costs via the university’s e-expenses system

  • Once you have spent money you will need to claim the money back via the university’s e-expenses system.  You will need to keep all original receipts for use in this process.
  • You can make multiple claims for each trip (e.g. one before you travel for your pre-booked travel costs and the another for the money you spend whilst on your trip).
  • Details on how e-expenses works is here:  But the basic idea is that you will provide the system with your bank details and then upload receipts and details of your claim.
  • As part of your claim you will need to provide some financial coding so that the money provided to you is taken from the correct account.  This information is shared annually but contact if you are unsure of the codes to use.

Other Sources of Travel Funding

You may have some travel funding associated with your studentship so check your original offer letter and relevant website, for instance your CDT website if appropriate.

Check with your college as some colleges do offer their graduate research students some travel funding.



The handbook is a good first place to look for detailed information.



Progression Forms

Progression Forms

You will need to complete forms to apply for Transfer of Status, Confirmation of Status and Submission.

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