Professor Ben Lambert

Associate Professor of Statistics

Biographical Sketch

I am a mathematician and a statistician with a strong interest in biological systems, and I develop computational methods that help to uncover biological and epidemiological knowledge.

I direct Oxford's Schmidt AI in Science programme  a postdoctoral Fellowship programme where Fellows apply methods from AI to advance scientific knowledge.

I am a passionate communicator of statistical ideas (for example, through my YouTube videos), and I develop open-source materials which allow other researchers to understand cutting-edge methods.

Research Interests

Bayesian statistics, mathematical biology, epidemiology, Bayesian nonparametrics, research software


Bajaj, S., Thompson, R. and Lambert, B. (2024) “A renewal-equation approach to estimating Rt and infectious disease case counts in the presence of reporting delays”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences [Preprint].
Bajaj, S. et al. (2024) “Understanding COVID-19 testing behaviour in England through a sociodemographic lens : a population based study”, The Lancet Digital Health [Preprint].

Contact Details

Associate Fellow of Reuben College


Office number: 2.10

Graduate Students

Sumali Bajaj (Oxford - Biology)

David Augustin (Oxford - CS)

Mara Kont (Imperial College)

Ioana Bouros (Oxford - CS)

Katherine Shepherd (Oxford - CS)

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