Dr Konstantin Shestopaloff

Senior Postdoctoral Researcher

About Me

I received my PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Toronto, Canada in 2017, specializing in methods for analysis of microbiome and ecological community data. Subsequently, I worked as a biostatistician in arthritis research, conducting analyses of metabolomic and miRNA signature data, and in population health, where I estimated temporal effects of polygenic risk scores in obesity. Currently I'm the Analytics Lead for the IL-17 project group within the Oxford-Novartis collaboration.

Research Interests

My research focus is on methods development with applications to clinical and biomedical data, particularly methods for addressing sparsity. Some of my previous work includes inference methods for rare species in microbiome data and total species estimators. My current work is using random effect splines for modelling and prediction in longitudinal data.

Contact Details

Email: konstantin.shestopaloff@ndm.ox.ac.uk