Isaac Ellmen

SABS CDT Student

About Me

BMath, University of Waterloo (2019)

MSc, University of Waterloo (2022)

Research Interests

Antibodies work by binding to their targets (antigens), and either inhibiting their function or activating other components of the immune system. Predicting the mode by which an antibody binds to its cognate antigen is called antibody-antigen complex modelling or docking. While general protein complex prediction has seen great improvements in recent years, driven by methods such as AlphaFold Multimer, antibody-antigen complexes are still difficult to model because we rarely have useful homologs to provide co-evolutionary information. My DPhil project is focused on developing new machine learning docking models to more accurately predict antibody-antigen complexes.

Contact Details


Office: 2.19

Pronouns: he/him

Research Groups
