Our People
The Probability group includes 7 permanent faculty, around 15 doctoral students and a few postdocs .
Oxford has a large and thriving community of researchers in probability, spanning the Department of Statistics and the Mathematical Institute. Within the Department of Statistics, our research interests include interacting particle systems, random trees and branching processes, random graphs and networks, percolation, mathematical population genetics, stochastic analysis and Stein’s method.
We work closely with the Stochastic Analysis group in the Mathematical Institute.
The Probability group includes 7 permanent faculty, around 15 doctoral students and a few postdocs .
We organise a weekly Probability Seminar. We are also involved in the online Oxford Discrete Mathematics and Probability Seminar, which currently takes place a couple of times a term, and Oxford Research on Probability and Machine Learning which runs termly seminars.
You can stay informed about what we do by subscribing to the Oxford Probability Mailing list.
We take both standard DPhil students and DPhil students through the EPSRC CDT in the Mathematics of Random Systems which is run jointly between the Mathematical Institute, the Department of Statistics and the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College.