Probability Seminar


A series of informal probability seminars, attended by members of the Department of Statistics and the Mathematical Institute, and open to anyone interested in probability and its applications. 

Convergence of genealogies through spinal decomposition

Consider a branching process where each individual is endowed with a heritable type that influences its reproductive success. In this presentation I will outline a new approach to study the scaling limit of the genealogy and distribution of types of such branching processes, when looked at a large time horizon. It relies on two main building blocks: 1) viewing genealogies as random metric measure spaces in the Gromov-weak topology and 2) computing the Gromov-weak “moments” of the genealogy using a many-to-few formula. I will illustrate this approach on the simple example of multi-type Galton-Watson processes and discuss some more complex models that we have been considering.

This is based on a joint work with Emmanuel Schertzer, and another with Florin Boenkost and Emmanuel Schertzer.