Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS

Windows Software

This collection contains software and data associated with the book:

Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS
by W.N. Venables & B.D. Ripley, Springer, 1999.
ISBN 0 387 98825 4. [Details]

The software is for the Third Edition; users of the Second Edition should find only minor differences, plus additional material.

The current software is for the Fourth Edition. Please upgrade to that version. The scripts for Third Edition are in MASS/scripts3.

This collection is for S-PLUS for Windows: the Unix software is elsewhere.

S-PLUS 6.0 for Windows

The software is included in S-PLUS 6.0 for Windows, and the scripts are in folder scripts in the MASS folder in the S-PLUS library folder.

An update () for the MASS and nnet libraries is available [b ]. Execute it and select the path to the library directory of your S-PLUS 6 installation.

Zipped files of other library sections used in the book: [b ]
boot library (by Angelo Canty) (Current version: ) [b ]
logspline library (Charles Kooperberg) (Current version: ) [b ]
rpart library (Therneau & Atkinson) (Current version: )

Other library sections are available: listing

Unpack these in the library directory.

Source code

If you want to see the source code, fetch the Unix distribution which contains all the sources. Unpack this with

       unzip -a
The Windows pre-compiled versions are compiled automatically from the Unix distribution.


Older versions of S-PLUS

July 2001: the following are intended to be the last updates for non-current versions of S-PLUS

S-PLUS 2000

The software is included in S-PLUS 2000, and the scripts are in folder scripts in the MASS folder in the S-PLUS library folder.

2000up.exe [b ] Update for S-PLUS 2000. [Minor corrections and several enhancements. Also most of the new material from the Fourth Edition. This update will work on Release 1, 2 or 3] (Current version: )

To update the software in S-PLUS 2000, execute 2000up.exe in the S-PLUS library directory.

S-PLUS 3.3, 4.0, 4.5

These are now entirely unsupported: we no longer have access to versions of S-PLUS for Windows before S-PLUS 2000.

VRlib62.exe [b ]
libraries for S-PLUS versions 3.3, 4.0 and 4.5. (Current version: ) [b ]
archive of S-PLUS code given in the text. [b ]
ditto for the Second Edition.
To install, open a command-line window and cd to the S-PLUS library directory (usually C:\SPLUSWIN\LIBRARY (3.3) or C:\Program Files\splus4(5)\Library (4.0 or 4.5)). Execute VRlib62.exe from there: it will create subdirectories MASS class nnet spatial treefix and HELPFIX. If you already have any of these present, please remember to delete or rename them first.

It is possible to extract just one or more of the libraries by, for example

	VRlib62.exe MASS/* treefix/*
and to extract to a directory by
	VRlib62.exe MASS/* treefix/* -d c:/programs/Splus45/library

Users who are anxious about running imported executables can unpack the library with unzip or pkunzip (with the -d flag) or their favourite tool for handling DOS-style zip files. It is possible to extract just one or more of the libraries by, for example one of

        unzip VRlib62.exe MASS/* class/* -d c:\spluswin\library
	pkunzip -d VRlib62.exe MASS/*.* class/*.* c:\spluswin\library

NOTE: The .exe files in this archive are packaged using Info-ZIP's compression utility to read zip files. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and Internet/WWW sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum and

The libraries are made available via library commands such as

       library(MASS, first=T)
       library(treefix, first=T)  # not needed on S-PLUS 2000
       library(helpfix, first=T)  # only needed for S-PLUS 3.3

Use one of

to unpack the scripts to the current directory. The file ch08.ssc contains the code from Chapter 8, and so on. These files can be loaded as S-PLUS script files (not 3.x) or used to cut-and-paste from an editor (e.g. notepad) to the S-PLUS command window.

Last edited on Monday 28 January 2002 by Brian Ripley (