SIENA activities and workshops

Oxford Spring School, March 22-24, 2011.

Workshop Analyzing Social Network Dynamics using RSiena, taught by Tom Snijders.

Workshop materials:

  1. Program and further information about workshop and Spring School .
  2. Lecture notes:
    Tom A.B. Snijders and Johan K. Koskinen, An Introduction to Stochastic Actor Oriented Models (transparencies)
    An Introduction to Stochastic Actor Oriented Models (the same, in handout format) (will be distributed in hardcopy).
  3. R reference card.
  4. Ruth M. Ripley and Tom A.B. Snijders, Manual for Siena 4.0 (will be distributed in hardcopy).
  5. Instructions for running Siena from visone;
    Note the visone website with information page.
  6. The RSiena project at R-Forge. To allow quick access to new versions of RSiena without bothering too much the maintainers of the R archive, current and beta versions are made available at R-Forge.
    The R-Forge page of RSiena contains two packages: the regular package RSiena and the 'experimental' package RSienaTest, which may contain elements that are less extensively tested.
  7. Articles:
  8. R scripts:
    1. RscriptDataFormat.R with some basic information about R, networks, data formats etc;
      with an example data file arclistdata.dat.
    2. s50 data set, a 50-actor excerpt from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study data set of West et al.: description and data set (longitudinal, 3 waves, networks and behaviour);
    3. RscriptSienaVariableFormat.R for how to specify data as variables in RSiena, and specify the model;
    4. RscriptSienaRunModel.R for how to carry out the estimation and look at the results;
    5. RscriptSienaBehaviour.R for how to specify models for dynamics of networks and behaviour;
    6. RscriptSienaMultiple.R for how to specify models for dynamics of multiple networks;
      manufactured data set (longitudinal, 2 waves, 2 networks);
    7. vdB_tt.R an example of testing time heterogeneity, using the van de Bunt data set;
    8. RscriptMultipleGroups.R an example of the multiple group option and of meta-analysis using function siena08, using the Baerveldt data set;
    9. van de Bunt students data description and data set (longitudinal)
    10. Baerveldt's Dutch Social Behavior data description and data set (longitudinal, 19 schools, 2 waves, networks and behavior)
    11. Assignment about homophily and transitivity, using one of the school classes of Andrea Knecht;
    12. RscriptASNAassignement.R
      Script for the assignment.
    13. description and data set of the data (longitudinal, networks and behavior) collected by Andrea Knecht.
  9. Link to the Siena website.

General help on R:

There exists a User Group for Siena and StOCNET to exchange information and seek technical advice on using the Siena and StOCNET software to analyze network data.
The address is

At R-forge there is an email discussion list for help concerning RSiena.

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