Part A Statistics page: Simon Myers

Course Materials


Lecture notes will be posted here for Part A Statistics. All files are available in several formats: pdf, ps, and LaTeX, depending on your preference. Pdf is recommended as easiest for most people

If you are having problems, or if you have any questions more generally about the course, please do email me at: myers at


(22/2/10) The Linear Model notes are now up, in pdf and postscript formats, along with all the problem sheets.

(10/2/10) The Hypothesis Testing notes are now up, in both pdf and postscript formats.

(10/2/10) Class problem sheet 3 is now up, and joins its friends problem sheet 1 and problem sheet 2.

(15/1/10) Welcome to the course. Notes for the first two weeks, and the first problem sheet for this course, are now up, and can be downloaded from the link below.

Along with complete lecture notes, the problem sheets, example data sets and an introduction to R are also all available via links below. These should point either to a directory containing the files, or (for the problem sheets) directly to the sheets themselves, once these are posted.

Recall that the problem sheets are only available online and no printed handouts will be given out.

Lecture notes

PDF format

Postscript format

Uncompiled LaTeX format


Problem Sheets

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4


Data sets


Introduction to R