This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week, a worldwide initiative to challenge stereotypes as well as misconceptions of neurological differences, originally founded in 2018 by Siena Castellon.

Throughout the week, there are events being held by the Neurodiversity Celebration Week organisation. For the department, we are holding our own activities for department members on Thursday to celebrate the week and rise awareness of the campaign. Keep an eye on our communication channels to find out what we’ll be doing.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week aims to give schools, universities, and organisations the opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week (org)

Creating a safe space for those who are neurodiverse is an important part of our values as a department within the University of Oxford. There are a number of resources available for staff and students within the university: we highly encourage you to use these resources when ever you think you may need help. To assist with this, we have gathered some of the resources available for you in this post.
