Alison Etheridge has been awarded the 2023 IMA–LMS David Crighton Medal for services to mathematics and the mathematical community.

As well as acknowledging her mathematical excellence, the citation describes how "Alison has played an active role in encouraging women in mathematics. She has provided excellent guidance and mentoring to female PhD students and junior colleagues, who now have successful careers in their own right.  By sharing her experiences, about her research and career path, she has shown how she balanced her career and family life, providing suggestions on how partners of women in mathematics and employers, can be supportive of them."

Alison is Professor of Probability in Oxford, having worked at the Universities of Cambridge, Berkeley, Edinburgh and Queen Mary University London before returning to Oxford. Her interests have ranged from abstract mathematical problems to concrete applications with her recent work focused on mathematical modelling of population genetics. She was Head of the Department of Statistics in Oxford until August 2022.

The David Crighton Medal was established by the Councils of the LMS and IMA in 2002 in order to pay tribute to the memory of Professor David George Crighton FRS for services both to mathematics and to the mathematical community.