EIES data sets

The Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES) data were collected by Freeman and Freeman (1980). This data set is discussed also in Wasserman and Faust (1994). This is a network of 32 researchers who participated in an early study on the effects of electronic information exchange, a precursor of email communication.

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There are two actor-level covariates. The first is the number of citations in a specified period. The second is the discipline of the researcher. It is coded 1 for sociologists (of whom there were 17), 2 for anthropologists (6), 3 for mathematicians and statisticians (3), and 4 for psychologists (6). These covariates are in the file eies.att (att for attributes). The citation number is very skewed, therefore a dichotomized version is used which is available in file eies.atd (which also contains a dichotomized discipline variable).

Coding for the networks:

(Note: until July 22, 2014, there was an error here; corrected thanks to the attentiveness of Benjamin E. Lind.)

The two networks are EIES.1 and EIES.2. The codes 0-4 have the following meanings.

Variables in EIES.att:
  1. Number of citations
  2. Discipline: 1 = sociology, 2 = anthropology, 3 = mathematics / statistics, 4 = psychology / communication.

File EIES.atd is a dichotomized version of EIES.att.
messages.asc is the matrix of the number of messages sent between actors.
EIES.paj is a Pajek file of this data set, constructed by V. Batagelj and taken from the Pajek website.


Freeman, L.C., and Freeman, S.C., A semi-visible college: Structural effects on a social networks group. Pp. 77-85 in Henderson, M.M., and McNaughton, M.J. (eds.) Electronic Communication: Technology and Impacts Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980.

Wasserman, Stanley, and Katherine Faust. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

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