Basic RSiena

Tom Snijders

March 16, 2021

This is an example of a basic sequence of commands for estimating a basic model by function siena07() of {RSiena}. With a lot of use of help pages; this can be skipped as you like. Note that lines starting with # are comment lines, not commands. Sometimes in the following, some R commands are given preceded by #; this is to illustrate what could be done without executing it now.

What is your current working directory?


If you wish it to be different, change it by

# setwd()

Define data sets

If you have internet access, you can download the data from the Siena website (“Data sets” tab) and unzip it in your working directory. The data description is at

Then you can read the data files by the commands (this can be replaced by using the internal data set, see below)

# <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-network1.dat"))
# <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-network2.dat"))
# <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-network3.dat"))
# drink <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-alcohol.dat"))
# smoke <- as.matrix(read.table("s50-smoke.dat"))

But without internet access, the data can be obtained from within RSiena (see below), because this is an internal data set.



#> starting httpd help server ... done

you get to see the basic operation.

Now we use the internally available s50 data set.

Look at its description:


3 waves, 50 actors
Look at the start and end of the first wave matrix:

#>   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21
#> 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   1   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 2  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 3  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 4  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 5  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 6  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#>   V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39 V40
#> 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 6   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#>   V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50
#> 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 3   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 4   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 5   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 6   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#>    V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21
#> 45  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 46  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 47  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 48  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 49  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#>    V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35 V36 V37 V38 V39 V40
#> 45   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1
#> 46   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1
#> 47   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 48   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 49   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 50   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#>    V41 V42 V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V50
#> 45   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0
#> 46   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1   0
#> 47   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
#> 48   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1   0
#> 49   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   1   0   0
#> 50   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

and at the alcohol variable

#>    V1 V2 V3
#> 1   3  1  3
#> 2   2  2  2
#> 3   2  3  3
#> 4   2  3  2
#> 5   3  3  4
#> 6   4  4  4
#> 7   4  4  3
#> 8   4  5  4
#> 9   2  2  2
#> 10  4  5  4
#> 11  5  5  5
#> 12  5  5  5
#> 13  3  2  2
#> 14  3  4  3
#> 15  4  4  5
#> 16  4  5  4
#> 17  2  4  4
#> 18  4  3  3
#> 19  3  5  5
#> 20  2  3  3
#> 21  1  1  3
#> 22  3  2  3
#> 23  4  4  2
#> 24  3  3  3
#> 25  3  4  4
#> 26  4  4  3
#> 27  2  2  3
#> 28  2  2  4
#> 29  3  3  3
#> 30  1  3  4
#> 31  4  4  4
#> 32  4  2  4
#> 33  3  4  3
#> 34  2  2  2
#> 35  3  3  4
#> 36  4  4  4
#> 37  2  2  3
#> 38  3  3  4
#> 39  2  2  3
#> 40  1  1  1
#> 41  4  3  4
#> 42  4  5  5
#> 43  2  2  4
#> 44  5  5  5
#> 45  2  2  2
#> 46  2  2  2
#> 47  2  2  2
#> 48  2  3  4
#> 49  1  2  3
#> 50  1  2  3

Now define the objects with the same names as above (this step is superfluous if you read the data already). <- s501 <- s502 <- s503
        drink <- s50a
        smoke <- s50s

Now the data must be given the specific roles of variables in an RSiena analysis.

Dependent variable

Look at the help page:


First create a 50 * 50 * 3 array composed of the 3 adjacency matrices

friendshipData <- array( c(,, ),
           dim = c( 50, 50, 3 ) )

and next give this the role of the dependent variable:

    friendship <- sienaDependent(friendshipData)

What did we construct?

#> Type         oneMode             
#> Observations 3                   
#> Nodeset      Actors (50 elements)

We also must prepare the objects that will be the explanatory variables.

Actor covariates

We use smoking for wave 1 as a constant actor covariate:

smoke1 <- coCovar( smoke[ , 1 ] )

A variable actor covariate is defined for drinking:

alcohol <- varCovar( drink )

(That for smoke we only use the first wave is purely for the purpose of illustrating constant actor covariates.)

Put the variables together in the data set for analysis

mydata <- sienaDataCreate( friendship, smoke1, alcohol )

and check what we have

#> Dependent variables:  friendship 
#> Number of observations: 3 
#> Nodeset                  Actors 
#> Number of nodes              50 
#> Dependent variable friendship      
#> Type               oneMode         
#> Observations       3               
#> Nodeset            Actors          
#> Densities          0.046 0.047 0.05
#> Constant covariates:  smoke1 
#> Changing covariates:  alcohol

You can get an outline of the data set with some basic descriptives from

print01Report( mydata, modelname="s50")

This creates an output file s50.txt in your current working directory. Note that if an existing file has this name, it will be overwritten!

Specifying the model

Effects object

For the model specification we need to create the so-called effects object:

myeff <- getEffects( mydata )

This contains all the effects that are available given the structure of this data set. They can be seen from


For a precise description of all effects, see Chapter 12 in the RSiena manual. A basic specification of the structural effects is as follows:

myeff <- includeEffects( myeff, transTrip, cycle3)
#>   effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 transitive triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 2 3-cycles            TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0

and this is put together with some covariate effects:

myeff <- includeEffects( myeff, egoX, altX, simX, interaction1 = "alcohol" )
#>   effectName         include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 alcohol alter      TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 2 alcohol ego        TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 3 alcohol similarity TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
myeff <- includeEffects( myeff, simX, interaction1 = "smoke1" )
#>   effectName        include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 smoke1 similarity TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
#>    effectName                          include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1  constant friendship rate (period 1) TRUE    FALSE FALSE    4.69604   0   
#> 2  constant friendship rate (period 2) TRUE    FALSE FALSE    4.32885   0   
#> 3  outdegree (density)                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE   -1.46770   0   
#> 4  reciprocity                         TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 5  transitive triplets                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 6  3-cycles                            TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 7  smoke1 similarity                   TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 8  alcohol alter                       TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 9  alcohol ego                         TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 10 alcohol similarity                  TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0


Now create an object with algorithm settings. There are a lot of options for the algorithm. The most important ones are explained in Sections 6.3.3 and 6.4 of the Siena manual. Often you can just accept the default choices, but it is good to specify the name for the output file (which you may replace by any name you prefer)

myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate( projname = 's50' )
#> If you use this algorithm object, siena07 will create/use an output file s50.txt .

The file s50.txt already exists (created by print01Report); the following estimations will append new results to this file.

Estimate parameters

The function siena07 is the workhorse of the package; it carries out the estimation.

ans <- siena07( myalgorithm, data = mydata, effects = myeff)
#> Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
#>                                    Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
#>                                                 Error      t-ratio   
#> Rate parameters: 
#>   0.1      Rate parameter period 1  6.6302  ( 1.1174   )             
#>   0.2      Rate parameter period 2  5.2624  ( 0.8712   )             
#> Other parameters: 
#>   1.  eval outdegree (density)     -2.7399  ( 0.1147   )   0.0122    
#>   2.  eval reciprocity              2.4467  ( 0.2166   )   0.0435    
#>   3.  eval transitive triplets      0.6696  ( 0.1435   )   0.0621    
#>   4.  eval 3-cycles                -0.0934  ( 0.3026   )   0.0644    
#>   5.  eval smoke1 similarity        0.2059  ( 0.2085   )   0.0120    
#>   6.  eval alcohol alter           -0.0165  ( 0.0706   )   0.0376    
#>   7.  eval alcohol ego              0.0569  ( 0.0815   )   0.0401    
#>   8.  eval alcohol similarity       0.7319  ( 0.3127   )   0.0017    
#> Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1198 
#> Total of 2253 iteration steps.

This gives results from a random starting point, and these will allways be different - hopefully, in unimportant ways. To use a fixed starting point, so that you will always get the same results (if also the same vector of initial parameters was used), use the “seed” parameter:

# myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate( projname = 's50', seed=435123 )

For checking convergence, look at the ‘Overall maximum convergence ratio’ mentioned above, under the parameter estimates.

This can also be shown by requesting

#>           [,1]
#> [1,] 0.1197705

If this is less than 0.25, convergence is good. If convergence is inadequate, estimate once more, using the result obtained as the “previous answer” from which estimation continues:

ans <- siena07( myalgorithm, data = mydata, effects = myeff, prevAns=ans)
#> Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
#>                                    Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
#>                                                 Error      t-ratio   
#> Rate parameters: 
#>   0.1      Rate parameter period 1  6.6425  ( 1.1965   )             
#>   0.2      Rate parameter period 2  5.2239  ( 0.8895   )             
#> Other parameters: 
#>   1.  eval outdegree (density)     -2.7440  ( 0.1300   )   -0.0170   
#>   2.  eval reciprocity              2.4528  ( 0.2176   )    0.0122   
#>   3.  eval transitive triplets      0.6729  ( 0.1490   )    0.0087   
#>   4.  eval 3-cycles                -0.1071  ( 0.3014   )    0.0050   
#>   5.  eval smoke1 similarity        0.2111  ( 0.2162   )    0.0384   
#>   6.  eval alcohol alter           -0.0154  ( 0.0712   )    0.0228   
#>   7.  eval alcohol ego              0.0577  ( 0.0730   )    0.0135   
#>   8.  eval alcohol similarity       0.7417  ( 0.3071   )    0.0165   
#> Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1172 
#> Total of 2753 iteration steps.

If convergence is good, you can look at the estimates. More extensive results are given by requesting

#> Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
#>                                    Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
#>                                                 Error      t-ratio   
#> Rate parameters: 
#>   0.1      Rate parameter period 1  6.6425  ( 1.1965   )             
#>   0.2      Rate parameter period 2  5.2239  ( 0.8895   )             
#> Other parameters: 
#>   1.  eval outdegree (density)     -2.7440  ( 0.1300   )   -0.0170   
#>   2.  eval reciprocity              2.4528  ( 0.2176   )    0.0122   
#>   3.  eval transitive triplets      0.6729  ( 0.1490   )    0.0087   
#>   4.  eval 3-cycles                -0.1071  ( 0.3014   )    0.0050   
#>   5.  eval smoke1 similarity        0.2111  ( 0.2162   )    0.0384   
#>   6.  eval alcohol alter           -0.0154  ( 0.0712   )    0.0228   
#>   7.  eval alcohol ego              0.0577  ( 0.0730   )    0.0135   
#>   8.  eval alcohol similarity       0.7417  ( 0.3071   )    0.0165   
#> Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1172 
#> Total of 2753 iteration steps.
#> Covariance matrix of estimates (correlations below diagonal)
#>        0.017       -0.017       -0.007        0.005       -0.004        0.000        0.000       -0.007
#>       -0.596        0.047        0.010       -0.026        0.001        0.000        0.000       -0.003
#>       -0.350        0.316        0.022       -0.039        0.001        0.000       -0.002       -0.006
#>        0.120       -0.404       -0.860        0.091       -0.003        0.000        0.003        0.016
#>       -0.139        0.025        0.040       -0.043        0.047        0.005        0.004       -0.011
#>        0.015       -0.011       -0.044        0.010        0.308        0.005       -0.001       -0.002
#>       -0.019       -0.011       -0.157        0.125        0.233       -0.266        0.005        0.001
#>       -0.175       -0.040       -0.125        0.170       -0.173       -0.100        0.065        0.094
#> Derivative matrix of expected statistics X by parameters:
#>      288.912      230.041      528.396      166.823       27.452       26.147       32.254       22.560
#>      131.229      143.010      273.598       90.711       13.670        9.406        8.699       10.243
#>      354.663      317.745     1176.871      373.509       29.823       77.379       82.513       24.132
#>      175.640      166.907      573.574      191.248       16.956       28.662       27.379       10.227
#>       26.342       21.868       55.773       17.610       36.468      -48.218      -41.793        5.754
#>       30.059       36.181       90.741       30.109      -45.244      319.418      193.327        1.895
#>       29.665       27.134       99.037       30.856      -41.676      214.387      301.458       -0.333
#>       22.529       19.025       33.659       10.023        6.084        1.723        0.702       14.610
#> Covariance matrix of X (correlations below diagonal):
#>      491.206      428.420     1206.029      387.762       48.218       87.133       88.634       38.501
#>        0.927      434.918     1165.943      381.192       45.322       85.914       78.304       35.662
#>        0.821        0.843     4395.111     1422.658      138.251      259.720      261.583       84.531
#>        0.810        0.846        0.993      466.751       44.329       85.785       83.985       26.691
#>        0.319        0.318        0.306        0.301       46.581      -64.280      -56.867        8.668
#>        0.186        0.195        0.185        0.188       -0.446      446.660      352.703        5.724
#>        0.198        0.186        0.195        0.193       -0.413        0.827      407.473        6.536
#>        0.414        0.407        0.304        0.294        0.303        0.065        0.077       17.610

Still more extensive results are given in the output file s50.txt in the current directory.

Note that by putting an R command between parentheses (….), the result will also be printed to the screen. Next add the transitive reciprocated triplets effect, an interaction between transitive triplets and reciprocity, and estimate again, going on from the previous answer (that is what `prevAns’ means)

(myeff <- includeEffects( myeff, transRecTrip))
#>   effectName                  include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 transitive recipr. triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
#>    effectName                          include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1  constant friendship rate (period 1) TRUE    FALSE FALSE    4.69604   0   
#> 2  constant friendship rate (period 2) TRUE    FALSE FALSE    4.32885   0   
#> 3  outdegree (density)                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE   -1.46770   0   
#> 4  reciprocity                         TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 5  transitive triplets                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 6  transitive recipr. triplets         TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 7  3-cycles                            TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 8  smoke1 similarity                   TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 9  alcohol alter                       TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 10 alcohol ego                         TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
#> 11 alcohol similarity                  TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0
(ans1 <- siena07( myalgorithm, data = mydata, effects = myeff, prevAns=ans))
#> Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
#>                                        Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
#>                                                     Error      t-ratio   
#> Rate parameters: 
#>   0.1      Rate parameter period 1      6.1978  ( 1.0091   )             
#>   0.2      Rate parameter period 2      5.0170  ( 0.8282   )             
#> Other parameters: 
#>   1.  eval outdegree (density)         -2.9397  ( 0.1498   )    0.0877   
#>   2.  eval reciprocity                  2.9160  ( 0.2744   )    0.0949   
#>   3.  eval transitive triplets          0.8695  ( 0.1448   )   -0.0134   
#>   4.  eval transitive recipr. triplets -0.9586  ( 0.2349   )   -0.0034   
#>   5.  eval 3-cycles                     0.6490  ( 0.2779   )    0.0430   
#>   6.  eval smoke1 similarity            0.1627  ( 0.2163   )    0.0268   
#>   7.  eval alcohol alter               -0.0245  ( 0.0741   )    0.0236   
#>   8.  eval alcohol ego                  0.0462  ( 0.0775   )    0.0027   
#>   9.  eval alcohol similarity           0.7208  ( 0.2990   )   -0.0440   
#> Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.5322 
#> Total of 2679 iteration steps.

If necessary, repeat the estimation, starting from the new result:

(ans1 <- siena07( myalgorithm, data = mydata, effects = myeff, prevAns=ans1))
#> Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
#>                                        Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
#>                                                     Error      t-ratio   
#> Rate parameters: 
#>   0.1      Rate parameter period 1      6.2646  ( 1.0403   )             
#>   0.2      Rate parameter period 2      5.0471  ( 0.8122   )             
#> Other parameters: 
#>   1.  eval outdegree (density)         -2.9369  ( 0.1585   )    0.0029   
#>   2.  eval reciprocity                  2.8940  ( 0.2794   )    0.0184   
#>   3.  eval transitive triplets          0.8840  ( 0.1644   )   -0.0212   
#>   4.  eval transitive recipr. triplets -0.9122  ( 0.2789   )   -0.0017   
#>   5.  eval 3-cycles                     0.5652  ( 0.2826   )    0.0072   
#>   6.  eval smoke1 similarity            0.1652  ( 0.2138   )    0.0046   
#>   7.  eval alcohol alter               -0.0270  ( 0.0730   )    0.0128   
#>   8.  eval alcohol ego                  0.0487  ( 0.0760   )    0.0464   
#>   9.  eval alcohol similarity           0.7191  ( 0.3046   )   -0.0178   
#> Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.2556 
#> Total of 2677 iteration steps.

This might still not have an overall maximum convergence ratio less than 0.25. If not, you could go on once more.

Inspect the file s50.txt in your working directory and understand the meaning of its contents.

Parameters can be tested by dividing the estimate by its standard error, and referring this to a standard normal distribution (with the usual critical value of 1.96, rounded to 2.0).

This can be done also in the following way, e.g., for homophily with respect to alcohol consumption:

Multipar.RSiena(ans1, 9)
#> Tested effects:
#>  friendship: alcohol similarity 
#> chi-squared = 5.57, d.f. = 1; one-sided Z = 2.36; two-sided p = 0.018.

Multi-parameter test are also possible. To have a joint test of the three effects of alcohol:

Multipar.RSiena(ans1, 7:9)
#> Tested effects:
#>  friendship: alcohol alter 
#>  friendship: alcohol ego 
#>  friendship: alcohol similarity 
#> chi-squared = 6.13, d.f. = 3;  p = 0.105.

Focusing on alcohol similarity, the effect is significant; diluting the effects of alcohol by also considering ego and alter, the three effects simultaneously are not significant.

Assignment 1


Drop the effect of smoke1 similarity and estimate the model again. Do this by the function setEffects() using the <> parameter. Give the changed effects object and the new answer object new names, such as effects1 and ans1, to distinguish them.


Change the three effects of alcohol to the single effect of alcohol similarity, and estimate again.

Networks and behavior study

Now we redefine the role of alcohol drinking as a dependent behaviour variable.

Once again, look at the help file


now paying special attention to the ‘type’ parameter.

drinking <- sienaDependent( drink, type = "behavior" )

Put the variables together in the data set for analysis:

NBdata <- sienaDataCreate( friendship, smoke1, drinking )
#> Dependent variables:  friendship, drinking 
#> Number of observations: 3 
#> Nodeset                  Actors 
#> Number of nodes              50 
#> Dependent variable friendship      
#> Type               oneMode         
#> Observations       3               
#> Nodeset            Actors          
#> Densities          0.046 0.047 0.05
#> Dependent variable drinking
#> Type               behavior
#> Observations       3       
#> Nodeset            Actors  
#> Range              1 - 5   
#> Constant covariates:  smoke1

Define the effects object for this data set, and give the model specification:

NBeff <- getEffects( NBdata )
NBeff <- includeEffects( NBeff, transTrip, transRecTrip )
#>   effectName                  include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 transitive triplets         TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 2 transitive recipr. triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
NBeff <- includeEffects( NBeff, egoX, egoSqX, altX, altSqX, diffSqX,
                         interaction1 = "drinking" )
#>   effectName             include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 drinking alter         TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 2 drinking squared alter TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 3 drinking ego           TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 4 drinking squared ego   TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 5 drinking diff. squared TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
NBeff <- includeEffects( NBeff, egoX, altX, simX, interaction1 = "smoke1" )
#>   effectName        include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 smoke1 alter      TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 2 smoke1 ego        TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
#> 3 smoke1 similarity TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
#>    name       effectName                          include fix   test 
#> 1  friendship constant friendship rate (period 1) TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 2  friendship constant friendship rate (period 2) TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 3  friendship outdegree (density)                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 4  friendship reciprocity                         TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 5  friendship transitive triplets                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 6  friendship transitive recipr. triplets         TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 7  friendship smoke1 alter                        TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 8  friendship smoke1 ego                          TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 9  friendship smoke1 similarity                   TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 10 friendship drinking alter                      TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 11 friendship drinking squared alter              TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 12 friendship drinking ego                        TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 13 friendship drinking squared ego                TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 14 friendship drinking diff. squared              TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 15 drinking   rate drinking (period 1)            TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 16 drinking   rate drinking (period 2)            TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 17 drinking   drinking linear shape               TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 18 drinking   drinking quadratic shape            TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#>    initialValue parm
#> 1     4.69604   0   
#> 2     4.32885   0   
#> 3    -1.46770   0   
#> 4     0.00000   0   
#> 5     0.00000   0   
#> 6     0.00000   0   
#> 7     0.00000   0   
#> 8     0.00000   0   
#> 9     0.00000   0   
#> 10    0.00000   0   
#> 11    0.00000   0   
#> 12    0.00000   0   
#> 13    0.00000   0   
#> 14    0.00000   0   
#> 15    0.70571   0   
#> 16    0.84939   0   
#> 17    0.32237   0   
#> 18    0.00000   0

For including effects also for the dependent behaviour variable, see:


We now have to mention the name of the dependent behavior variable; it did not need to be mentioned before, because the default name is the first in the data set, which is friendship.

NBeff <- includeEffects( NBeff, avAlt, name="drinking",
                         interaction1 = "friendship" )
#>   effectName             include fix   test  initialValue parm
#> 1 drinking average alter TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0
#>    name       effectName                          include fix   test 
#> 1  friendship constant friendship rate (period 1) TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 2  friendship constant friendship rate (period 2) TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 3  friendship outdegree (density)                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 4  friendship reciprocity                         TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 5  friendship transitive triplets                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 6  friendship transitive recipr. triplets         TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 7  friendship smoke1 alter                        TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 8  friendship smoke1 ego                          TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 9  friendship smoke1 similarity                   TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 10 friendship drinking alter                      TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 11 friendship drinking squared alter              TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 12 friendship drinking ego                        TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 13 friendship drinking squared ego                TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 14 friendship drinking diff. squared              TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 15 drinking   rate drinking (period 1)            TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 16 drinking   rate drinking (period 2)            TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 17 drinking   drinking linear shape               TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 18 drinking   drinking quadratic shape            TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#> 19 drinking   drinking average alter              TRUE    FALSE FALSE
#>    initialValue parm
#> 1     4.69604   0   
#> 2     4.32885   0   
#> 3    -1.46770   0   
#> 4     0.00000   0   
#> 5     0.00000   0   
#> 6     0.00000   0   
#> 7     0.00000   0   
#> 8     0.00000   0   
#> 9     0.00000   0   
#> 10    0.00000   0   
#> 11    0.00000   0   
#> 12    0.00000   0   
#> 13    0.00000   0   
#> 14    0.00000   0   
#> 15    0.70571   0   
#> 16    0.84939   0   
#> 17    0.32237   0   
#> 18    0.00000   0   
#> 19    0.00000   0

Define an algorithm with a new project name

myalgorithm1 <- sienaAlgorithmCreate( projname = 's50_NB' )
#> If you use this algorithm object, siena07 will create/use an output file s50_NB.txt .

Estimate again, using the second algorithm right from the start:

NBans <- siena07( myalgorithm1, data = NBdata, effects = NBeff)

You may improve convergence (considering the overall maximum convergence ratio) by repeated estimation in the same way as above.

Look at results:

#> Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios
#>                                                Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
#>                                                             Error      t-ratio   
#> Network Dynamics 
#>    1. rate constant friendship rate (period 1)  6.3401  ( 1.0099   )    0.0641   
#>    2. rate constant friendship rate (period 2)  5.0294  ( 0.8884   )   -0.0077   
#>    3. eval outdegree (density)                 -2.8204  ( 0.2695   )    0.0442   
#>    4. eval reciprocity                          2.8257  ( 0.3282   )    0.0488   
#>    5. eval transitive triplets                  0.8942  ( 0.1456   )    0.0622   
#>    6. eval transitive recipr. triplets         -0.5091  ( 0.2244   )    0.0671   
#>    7. eval smoke1 alter                         0.0692  ( 0.1595   )   -0.0742   
#>    8. eval smoke1 ego                          -0.0082  ( 0.1804   )   -0.0169   
#>    9. eval smoke1 similarity                    0.2462  ( 0.2582   )    0.0711   
#>   10. eval drinking alter                      -0.0611  ( 0.1381   )   -0.0297   
#>   11. eval drinking squared alter              -0.1128  ( 0.1404   )    0.0161   
#>   12. eval drinking ego                         0.0381  ( 0.1236   )   -0.0537   
#>   13. eval drinking squared ego                 0.2246  ( 0.1421   )    0.0301   
#>   14. eval drinking diff. squared              -0.1044  ( 0.0625   )    0.0298   
#> Behavior Dynamics
#>   15. rate rate drinking (period 1)             1.3139  ( 0.3292   )   -0.0354   
#>   16. rate rate drinking (period 2)             1.8187  ( 0.4616   )    0.0084   
#>   17. eval drinking linear shape                0.4041  ( 0.2232   )   -0.0426   
#>   18. eval drinking quadratic shape            -0.5635  ( 0.3041   )   -0.0452   
#>   19. eval drinking average alter               1.2385  ( 0.7757   )   -0.0487   
#> Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1693 
#> Total of 3827 iteration steps.

Make a nicer listing of the results:

siena.table(NBans, type="html", sig=TRUE)

This produces an html file in your working directory; siena.table can also produce a LaTeX file.

Assignment 2


Replace the average alter effect by average similarity (avSim) or total similarity (totSim) and estimate the model again.


Add the effect of smoking on drinking and estimate again.

Assignment 3

Read Sections 13.3 and 13.4 of the Siena Manual, download scripts SelectionTables.R and InfluenceTables.R from the Siena website, and make plots of the selection table and influence table for drinking.