Box-Muller algorithm

As described in Lecture 2.

box_muller <- function(size) {
    # Since Box-Muller generates variates in pairs, we round up from the
    # requested size.
    num_pairs <- ceiling(size/2)
    R <- sqrt(-2 * log(runif(num_pairs)))
    theta <- 2 * pi * runif(num_pairs)
    X <- R * cos(theta)
    Y <- R * sin(theta)
    c(X, Y)[0:size]

Let’s test the function. First, run it.

samples <- box_muller(10001)

Do we have the right number of samples?

cat("length(samples): ", length(samples))
## length(samples):  10001

Plot a histogram of the samples.

graph_hist <- qplot(x = samples, geom = "blank") + geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), 
    binwidth = 0.1)

# Superimpose a line showing the correct density.
xs <- seq(min(samples), max(samples), 0.05)
ys <- dnorm(xs)
df <- data.frame(xs, ys)
graph_hist <- graph_hist + geom_line(aes(x = xs, y = ys), df, colour = "red")

Finally, perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

ks.test(samples, "pnorm")
##  One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
## data:  samples
## D = 0.011392, p-value = 0.1491
## alternative hypothesis: two-sided