CASE STUDIES IN BIOMETRY: Chapter 5. Estimating Pine Seedling Response to Ozone and Acid Rain John O. Rawlings and Susan E. Spruill The data set ch5.dat contains the following variables: 1. site: coded 1-6 corresponding to the location code used in Table 1. 2. block: block within site coded 1, 2, ... within sites for the RCB designs; block=1 for all observations for the CRD designs, sites 5 and 6. 3. rep: replication within site coded as missing in sites 1-4; coded as 1, 2, ... for replicates in the CRD design. 4. ozone: target ozone treatment, coded 0.0=charcoal filtered air, 1.0=nonfiltered air, "x.x"=target level of ozone as multiple of ambient ozone level. 5. rain: acidic rain treatment, coded as pH of rain solution. 6. fam: genetic family, coded as 1, 2, ... within sites. 7. ppmhrs: cumulative ozone exposure (ppm-h) during the two years of the trials. 8. vwpH: cumulative exposure to acidic rain computed as vwpH = -log(sum(volume*hydrogen ion concentration)). 9. biomass: total above ground biomass (g) after two growing seasons. 10. diam: increment of diameter growth (mm) during the two growing seasons. 11. DMA: whole-plot component of the covariate initial diameter (mm) expressed as the deviation of the whole-plot mean from the overall site mean. 12. DMB: sub-plot component of the covariate initial diameter (mm) expressed as the deviation of the subplot mean from the whole-plot mean. 13. D2HA: whole-plot component of the covariate initial volume, approximated as diameter squared times height, and expressed as the deviation of the whole-plot mean from the overall site mean. 14. D2HB: sub-plot component of the covariate initial volume and expressed as the deviation of the subplot mean from the whole-plot mean. 15. DMOT: depth to mottling (cm) of the clay soil; one measurement per whole-plot. Missing data are coded with '.' NOTE: The authors have on file letters of permission from each of the principal investigators to use the SCFRC data in a chapter in the book entitled CASE STUDIES IN BIOMETRY, and for the data used in this case study to be made available to the readers.