CASE STUDIES IN BIOMETRY: Chapter 20. Two-Stage Sampling Designs for Adolescent Depression Studies Cheryl L. Addy, Kirby L. Jackson, Robert E. McKeown, Jennifer L. Waller, Carol Z. Garrison The file ch20.dat contains the following variables: id subject identifier clinical indicator for selection into clinical sample: 1=in clinical sample; 0=not in clinical sample stratum stratum membership: 1=high screen; 2=low screen blacks; 3=low screen whites race subject's self-reported race: 1=white; 2=black gender subject's gender: 1=male; 2=female rparents subject's guardian status: 1=does not live with both natural parents; 0=lives with both natural parents cesdtot subject's total center for epidemiologic studies depression scale score (range 0-60) cohtot subject's total cohesion score, based on faces-ii (range 16-80) mdd clinical diagnosis of major depression: 1=positive diagnosis; 0=negative diagnosis 9=missing for subjects not in clinical sample weight sampling weights used in logistic regression; defined as number of subjects in screening sample in each stratum The authors hereby give permission to redistribute this data set. The authors retain the copyright to these data but allow that the data set can be used freely for noncommercial purposes and can be freely distributed.