CASE STUDIES IN BIOMETRY: Chapter 19. Patterns of Lung Cancer Risk in Ex-Smokers Brenda W. Gillespie, Michael T. Halpern, Kenneth E. Warner The files ch19a.dat through ch19g.dat contain various subsets of the data used in this chapter. Due to the very large size of the full data set, the data were broken into these subsets to facilitate easier access by the readers. The seven data sets and their sizes are as follows: ch19a.dat 0.04 Mb never-smokers ch19b.dat 0.67 Mb current smokers: male ch19c.dat 0.61 Mb current smokers: female ch19d.dat 1.15 Mb former smokers: male, no college ch19e.dat 1.49 Mb former smokers: male, some college ch19f.dat 0.70 Mb former smokers: female, no college ch19g.dat 0.93 Mb former smokers: female, some college Total size: 5.42 Mb The ten variables listed in each file are: Age: Age on January 1, 1982. Gender: 0=Male, 1=Female Education: 0=no college, 1=some college Smoker: 1=never, 2=former, 3=current Cigarettes/day: values rounded UP to the nearest 5. Years smoked: Number of years smoked as of January 1, 1982. Years quit: Number of years since smoking cessation, as of January 1, 1982 (zero indicates less than one year) Followup Time: Years from January 1, 1982 until death or last interview. Death codes: 0=alive, 1=death from other causes, 2=lung cancer death. Freq: the frequency at which each combination of variables occured. Permission statement: The authors grant permission to redistribute this data set in the format provided. Use of the data is restricted to non-commercial and scientific purposes. Ownership of the data resides with the American Cancer Society. Analyses derived from the data should be conducted with the Society's explicit approval and potential participation if any publication in relation to such analyses is contemplated.