Check results using R-devel on an arm64 ('M1 Pro') Mac running macOS 14.5 'Sonoma' with Xcode/CLT 15.3 and the build of gfortran (a fork of 12.2) from [2024-05-28: using an in-progress build of gfortran 14.1 from 2024-06-27: using Xcode/CLT 16 beta 2] Timezone Europe/London Locale en_GB.UTF-8, LC_COLLATE=C Details as in the R-admin manual, with containing CC="clang -mmacos-version-min=14.5" OBJC=$CC FC="/opt/gfortran/bin/gfortran -mtune=native" CXX="clang++ -mmacos-version-min=14.5" CFLAGS="-falign-functions=8 -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -Wstrict-prototypes" C17FLAGS="-falign-functions=8 -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -Wno-strict-prototypes" C90FLAGS="-falign-functions=8 -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -Wno-strict-prototypes" C99FLAGS="-falign-functions=8 -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion -Wno-strict-prototypes" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion" CPPFLAGS='-isystem /opt/R/arm64/include' FFLAGS="-g -O2" LDFLAGS=-L/opt/R/arm64/lib R_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/R/arm64/lib External libraries are where possible installed via minor modifications to Simon Urbanek's 'recipes' at . The main exceptions are those which need to use dynamic libraries (such as openmpi). Currently this uses PROJ 9.4.1, GEOS 3.12.2, GDAL 3.9.1. (GDAL needs manual patching of gdal-config.) pandoc is their binary arm64 Mac build, currently 3.2.1 (and updated often). Java is 21.0.3 from JAGS is a binary install from ghoatscript is 10.03.0 from MacTeX 2024. There is a testing service for the CRAN M1mac setup at . Some ways in which this may differ from the CRAN checks: - Using R-devel not R 4.[34].x - timezone is Europe/London not Pacific/Auckland - OS and Command Line Tools are kept up-to-date (at present the CRAN check service is running macOS 11, and Xcode/CLT 14.0.3 with the macOS11 SDK. But R was built with CLT 14.0.0). - Later C/C++ compilers, different flags. Apple clang 14.0.3 it seems was a major update from 14.0.0, with many aspects of LLVM clang 15/16 having been ported. Versions 15.0.0 seem a minor update from 14.0.3. Versions 16.0.0 ported some changes from LLVM 19-to-be. - External software is (mainly) kept up-to-date -- see above. This includes using Java 21 and cmake, currently 3.29.6. OpenMPI is installed for Rmpi, bigGP and pbdMPI, currently 5.0.1. - Package INLA is installed -- requires a binary install on Macs. Packages with non-default installs: sf: --configure-args='--with-data-copy --with-proj-data=/opt/R/arm64/share/proj' Several BioC packages have needed patching, currently EBImage Rdisop SparseArray mzR Options used for 'R CMD check': limit stacksize 20M setenv _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_ FALSE setenv LC_CTYPE en_GB.UTF-8 setenv RMPI_TYPE OPENMPI setenv R_BROWSER false setenv R_PDFVIEWER false setenv _R_CHECK_INSTALL_DEPENDS_ true #setenv _R_CHECK_SUGGESTS_ONLY_ true setenv _R_CHECK_NO_RECOMMENDED_ true setenv _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ 10 setenv _R_CHECK_DEPRECATED_DEFUNCT_ true setenv _R_CHECK_CODE_ASSIGN_TO_GLOBALENV_ true setenv _R_CHECK_CODE_DATA_INTO_GLOBALENV_ true setenv _R_CHECK_SCREEN_DEVICE_ warn setenv _R_CHECK_S3_METHODS_NOT_REGISTERED_ true setenv _R_CHECK_OVERWRITE_REGISTERED_S3_METHODS_ true setenv _R_CHECK_NATIVE_ROUTINE_REGISTRATION_ true setenv _R_CHECK_FF_CALLS_ registration setenv _R_CHECK_PRAGMAS_ true setenv _R_CHECK_COMPILATION_FLAGS_ true setenv _R_CHECK_COMPILATION_FLAGS_KNOWN_ "-Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion" setenv _R_CHECK_THINGS_IN_TEMP_DIR_ true setenv _R_CHECK_THINGS_IN_TEMP_DIR_EXCLUDE_ "^(ompi|dsymutil)" setenv _R_CHECK_MATRIX_DATA_ TRUE setenv _R_CHECK_ORPHANED_ true setenv _R_CHECK_BROWSER_NONINTERACTIVE_ true setenv _R_CHECK_MBCS_CONVERSION_FAILURE_ true setenv _R_CHECK_RD_VALIDATE_RD2HTML_ true setenv _R_CHECK_RD_MATH_RENDERING_ true setenv _R_CHECK_VALIDATE_UTF8_ true (needed for macOS 14.1 to avoid the check process segfaulting) setenv _R_DEPRECATED_IS_R_ error setenv R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT 600 setenv NOAWT 1 setenv RGL_USE_NULL true setenv WNHOME /usr/local/wordnet-3.1 setenv _R_CHECK_XREFS_USE_ALIASES_FROM_CRAN_ TRUE setenv _R_CHECK_RD_VALIDATE_RD2HTML_ true setenv _R_CHECK_RD_MATH_RENDERING_ true and cosmetically setenv _R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_SKIP_RUN_MAYBE_ true setenv _R_CHECK_TESTS_NLINES_ 0 setenv _R_CHECK_VIGNETTES_NLINES_ 0 A parallel make is used and packages are checked in parallel -- installing or checking a single package may use up to 8 CPUs.