Description 'Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study' data

The data provided here belong to the older of the two student cohorts in this study, which were followed over their second, third and fourth year at a secondary school in Glasgow. The study was funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Home and Health Department under their Smoking Initiative (grant K/OPR/17/8), and was executed by Lynn Michell and Patrick West of the Medical Research Council / Medical Sociology Unit, University of Glasgow. An excerpt of this data set is the s50 dataset, containing information about 50 girls from the Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study.

Download the data set.
Download the questionnaire.


The Teenage Friends and Lifestyle Study (Bush, West & Michell 1997, Michell and West 1996, Pearson and Michell 2000, Pearson and West 2003) aimed to identify processes by which attitudes towards smoking and smoking behaviour itself change over early to mid adolescence, focusing particularly on the stage of experimentation, and the transition from experimental to regular smoking. Data were recorded at three time points and for two cohorts. The data you can download on this page belong to the older cohort. Students were followed over a two year period starting in February 1995, when the pupils were aged 13, and ending in January 1997. A total of 160 pupils were part of this older cohort, 129 of whom were present at all three measurement points. The friendship networks were formed by allowing the pupils to name up to six friends. Pupils were also asked about elements of their lifestyle, including substance use and leisure activities. The school was representative of others in the region in terms of social class composition (Bush, West & Michell 1997). Qualitative data collected in the same study are reported by Michell (1997a, 1997b); Michell & West (1996); Michell & Amos (1997).


All data are in R format and can be directly loaded into the R workspace using the command "load", e.g., "load('Glasgow-friendship.RData')", assuming that this file in the current working directory. After having loaded these data, the command "ls()" or, equivalently, "objects()", lists all objects in the workspace of your R session, thus showing you the names of the variables included in these data sets.

For the exact wording of questions, please consult the questionnaire.


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