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multiSiena workshops at Sunbelt 2024

At the Sunbelt 2024 conference held in Edinburgh (Scotland) in the week of June 24-30, 2024, there will be two 3-hour workshops about multiSiena.

Participants are free to choose one or both of them.

Tom Snijders and Johan Koskinen

Introduction to the analysis of multilevel network dynamics using multiSiena

Multilevel network analysis comes in two flavors: multilevel analysis of networks ('MAN') where the data consists of a set of multiple networks which are conceptually similar but have disjoint node sets and no connections between them, and regarded as independent replications with respect to the social processes investigated; and analysis of multilevel networks ('AMN') defined as multiple interdependent networks with several node sets, some of which are shared; e.g., a one-mode friendship network between individuals together with a two-mode network of the activities of the same set of individuals.

This workshop is about the first kind (MAN), in particular the random coefficient multilevel longitudinal network analysis implemented in the function sienaBayes implemented in multiSiena, the sister package of RSiena. This method is based on the Stochastic Actor-oriented Model ('SAOM'). The basic idea of this random coefficient model will be presented, with the approach taken by the analysis using sienaBayes. The use of this function will be explained, and guidance will be given for parameter interpretation.

Topics treated are:

  1. principles of Bayesian inference;
  2. the random coefficient multilevel version of the SAOM ('ML-SAOM');
  3. MCMC estimation of the ML-SAOM; operation of sienaBayes;
  4. parameter interpretation.

The workshop is intended for participants who know about the Stochastic Actor-oriented Model, and have practical experience in working with RSiena.

Tom Snijders and Johan Koskinen

Introduction to the analysis of multilevel network dynamics using multiSiena: further topics.

This workshop is a continuation of the workshop above, treating further details.

Topics treated are:

  1. model specification, in particular the choice for effects whether they are randomly varying between groups or group-constant;
  2. plotting results; checking convergence;
  3. posterior means for groups;
  4. and an extended example.


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