In this script we will demonstrate how to perform Multiple Imputation for \(\textsf{RSiena}\) as described in Krause, Huisman, and Snijders, ‘Multiple imputation for longitudinal network data’ (2018), with an extension for imputation of coevolving behavior variables. The paper is also available on the \(\textsf{RSiena}\) website and Research Gate. We ask the reader to first read the paper. Here we will only demonstrate how to perform the imputations. Explanations and guidelines on the procedure can be found in the paper. A paper detailing the extended coevolution imputation will be published soon.

Running this script as is can be quite time consuming. A major issue is to decide about the number of imputations. Usual values are between 20 and 50, depending on the amount of missing data. In this script we use D = 20, but in practice you might need more. In the paper D = 50 was more appropriate. To get a feeling for how the procedure works, you might decrease D = 5, to have less computation time.

The following packages are required, before we start the procedure:

\(\textsf{RSiena}\), and \(\textsf{mice}\).

Therefore, if necessary:

# install.packages("RSiena", repos = "")
# install.packages("mice", repos = "")

Note, the latest version of \(\textsf{RSiena}\) can always be found on R-Forge, and thus we use repos = "". You need Rtools to install the package. One some machines you may need Rtools to install the package. # Download it here

This procedure requires \(\textsf{RSiena}\) or \(\textsf{RSienaTest}\) version 1.2-16 or higher.

## [1] '1.2.17'

(1) Preparatory steps in R

Before we start, we create some missing data in the s50 data set. The s50 data set is included in the \(\textsf{RSiena}\) package. See ?s50.

Select the data internal to \(\textsf{RSiena}\), set the number of imputations, and set a variable for the number of actors.

s501miss <- s501
s502miss <- s502
s503miss <- s503
alc <- s50a

D <- 5
N <- nrow(s501)

Arbitrarily create some missing data

wave1miss <- sample(1:50,10)
wave2miss <- sample(1:50,10)
wave3miss <- sample(1:50,10)

s501miss[wave1miss,] <- NA
s502miss[wave2miss,] <- NA
s503miss[wave3miss,] <- NA

alc[wave1miss,1] <- NA
alc[wave2miss,2] <- NA
alc[wave3miss,3] <- NA

We will define the following siena07ToConvergence function to (hopefully) ensure convergence. This function will run a given SAOM until the algorithm is converged. A circuit breaker is applied after 20 runs, or when the divergence is seen as too large. You may use any other specifications of siena07() to get converged estimates. See also the manual section 6.2..

For the code below please take care to use the number of nodes (number of processes for parallel processing) that is appropriate for your machine.
siena07ToConvergence <- function(alg, dat, eff, ans0=NULL, threshold,nodes = 3,
                                 cluster = TRUE, n2startPrev = 1000, ...) {
  # parameters are:
  # alg, dat, eff: Arguments for siena07: algorithm, data, effects object.
  # ans0: previous answer, if available; used as prevAns in siena07.
  # threshold: largest satisfactory value
  #            for overall maximum convergence ratio (indicating convergence).
  # nodes: number of processes for parallel processing.
  numr <- 0
  if (is.null(ans0)) {
    ans <- siena07(alg, data = dat, effects = eff, prevAns = ans0,nbrNodes = nodes,
                   returnDeps = TRUE, useCluster = cluster, ...) # the first run
  } else {
    alg$nsub <- 1
    alg$n2start <- n2startPrev
    ans <- siena07(alg, data = dat, effects = eff, prevAns = ans0,nbrNodes = nodes,
                   returnDeps = TRUE, useCluster = cluster, ...)
  repeat {
    #save(ans, file = paste("ans",numr,".RData",sep = "")) # to be safe
    numr <- numr + 1           # count number of repeated runs
    tm <- ans$tconv.max      # convergence indicator
    cat(numr,"tconv  max:", round(tm,3),"\n")       # report how far we are
    if (tm < threshold) {break}   # success
    if (tm > 10) {stop()}     # divergence without much hope
    # of returning to good parameter values
    if (numr > 100) {stop()}  # now it has lasted too long
    alg$nsub <- 1
    alg$n2start <- 1000 + numr * 1000
    alg$n3 <- 2000 + numr * 1000
    ans <- siena07(alg, data = dat,effects = eff,prevAns = ans,nbrNodes = nodes,
                   returnDeps = TRUE, useCluster = cluster, ...)
  if (tm > threshold) {
    stop("Warning: convergence inadequate.\n")

Since version 1.2-12, Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation by \(\textsf{RSiena}\) with returnDeps = TRUE returns an edgelist of the final network at the end of the phase 3 simulation. The following function, getNet(), uses this edgelist to impute the data. (We need a version higher than 1.2-12 to also get coevolving behaviors returned.)

getNet <- function(observedNet,edgeList) {
  # observedNet = observed network as adjacency with missing data
  # edgeList = edgelist that is returned by siena07(...)$sims
  observedNet[] <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(edgeList)) {
    observedNet[edgeList[i,1],edgeList[i,2]] <- 1

It is important that the imputation is done with a well fitting model that includes at least all parameters also included in the final model. For evaluating model fit of \(\textsf{RSiena}\) models, please see sienaGOF.R.

(2) Multiple Imputation - Imputing the first wave

The missing data in the first wave will be imputed in two steps. First, missing data in the behavior will be imputed using multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE). The obtained multiple imputations are then used as starting points for a joint imputation of network and behavior with a stationary SAOM.

(2.1) Imputing the Behavior with MICE

The MICE procedure (van Buuren, 2012) exploits the idea that multiple imputation may be done as a sequence of numerous steps. With MICE we are able to account for missing data mechanisms, preserve the relationships between the variables, and estimate the uncertainty about those relationships efficiently. The MICE algorithm is implemented in the mice package in the mice() function. The algorithm follows a variable-by-variable logic to impute each variable conditionally on the other variables; part of which may be imputed. First, a model, usually a normal regression model, for the first behavior variable containing missing data is estimated using all available data. This includes observed covariates, observed behavior data at the second wave and higher waves, as well as measures derived from the network (e.g., indegree). Next, this model is used to impute the missing data. Then, a model for the next variable containing missing data is estimated. From the second step onward, the data used for the estimations is composed of the observed data (the same in all steps) and the provisionally imputed data (potentially changing from step to step). This process is continued for every behavior variable with missing data, as well as any of the included predictor variables with missing data. The whole process is repeated multiple times until it is converged. The number of repetitions can be set to a rather low number of iterations, say 20 (van Buuren, 2012), but convergence of the algorithm should be assessed before the imputations can be used. The number of iterations can be set with mice(..., maxit = 20, ...).

The package offers several options for imputation models depending on the nature of the variable to impute, for instance, linear regression for continuous variables or logistic regression for binary or categorical variables. It also offers Predictive Mean Matching ("pmm"), which we propose to use. In pmm the imputation is based on a linear regression model. However, the imputed value is not the one predicted by the regression, but the predicted value is used to identify the \(3\) closest observed data points with similar prediction. Then, randomly, one of these is taken as the imputation. This method is proven to be a good imputation method in general and is suitable for both numeric and categorical data. More importantly, SAOMs are generally used with ordinal behavior variables, thus only possible observed scores should be imputed, even if a linear regression model would predict values outside the observed range. To select set mice(..., defaultMethod = "pmm", ...).

The predictor matrix for the imputation should include all relevant predictors. The aim is not to get a meaningful explanatory model, but to get the best prediction. However, including too many predictors is not recommended. One should consider the number of observations per variable, and the number of complete cases providing information for the estimation of the parameters. Predictors may contain missings themselves, which will be also imputed during the procedure. It is allowed to impute values for a given wave using information from later waves; this even is highly recommended, if possible, because variables will be highly correlated across waves.

In the concrete case of using MICE to impute the first wave behavior for a SAOM, the most important variable to include are behavior values at the second wave, and potentially later waves. We further suggest to include several network measures. These measures should reflect, as closely as possible, all relevant network processes related to the behavior. Sometimes including the exact network measure is not possible, for instance, the average behavior value of alters (avAlt) cannot be calculated if all outgoing ties of an actor are missing. We suggest to use incoming ties instead of outgoing ties to identify alters, for instance, the average behavior behavior of alters sending ties to the missing actor, \(v_i = \sum_j z_j x_{ji} / \sum_j x_{ji}\) (and the average behavior if the denominator is 0). If the analysis model assumes an influence effect of the sum of the behavior values of all alters’ \(i\) is connected to (totAlt), this can best be captured by calculating the sum of all behavior values of all alters sending ties to the missing actor (\(v_i = \sum_{j=1} z_j x_{ji}\)). Similarity scores (e.g., avSim or totSim) cannot be calculated for actors with missing behavior values. If the analysis model contains similarity effects the recommendation is to use approximations like the ones described above (e.g., if the hypothesis is about the average similarity effect the closest approximation would be the average value of incoming alters).

If the coevolution of more than one behavior variable is modeled, missing data in these variables should be imputed jointly.

In our imputation model we want to use the behavior at each wave (alcohol consumption in this example), indegree at each wave, and the average behavior score of in-alters.


indegree1 <- colSums(s501miss, na.rm = TRUE)
indegree2 <- colSums(s502miss, na.rm = TRUE)
indegree3 <- colSums(s503miss, na.rm = TRUE)

Average in-alter behavior:

avgAltA1 <- rowSums(sweep(t(s501miss), MARGIN = 2, alc[,1],'*'),na.rm = TRUE) /
  rowSums(t(s501miss), na.rm = TRUE)
avgAltA2 <- rowSums(sweep(t(s502miss), MARGIN = 2, alc[,2],'*'),na.rm = TRUE) /
  rowSums(t(s502miss), na.rm = TRUE)
avgAltA3 <- rowSums(sweep(t(s503miss), MARGIN = 2, alc[,3],'*'),na.rm = TRUE) /
  rowSums(t(s503miss), na.rm = TRUE)

avgAltA1[is.nan(avgAltA1)] <- NA
avgAltA2[is.nan(avgAltA2)] <- NA
avgAltA3[is.nan(avgAltA3)] <- NA

Now we combine these into one data.frame:

miceData <- cbind(alc,indegree1, indegree2, indegree3, avgAltA1, avgAltA2,

We can pass the obtained data to mice(). Do not forget to use \(\textsf{pmm}\)

miceImp <- mice(miceData, m = D ,defaultMethod = "pmm", maxit = 20)

… and check convergence:


The algorithm is converged, if there is no clear pattern in the plots.

(2.2) Stationary SAOM imputation of the first wave

For an introduction into stationary SAOMs see Snijders and Steglich (2015). We start the stationary SAOM imputations like a usual \(\textsf{RSiena}\) analysis by defining our data and effects objects. It is important to add the wave 2 observation of the network and the behavior as predictor. Further, we suggest to estimate one joined imputation model using all \(D\) imputations of the behavior obtained with mice(). That is, using a multigroup estimation.

To do so we first need to create \(D\) \(\textsf{RSiena}\) data objects and then combine them into one group object.

friendship <- sienaDependent(array(c(s501miss, s501miss), dim = c(N,N, 2)) ,
                          allowOnly = FALSE)

w2 <- coDyadCovar(s502miss) # the 2nd wave incomplete network as covariate
a2 <- coCovar(alc[,2]) # the 2nd wave incomplete behavior as covariate

stationaryDataList <- list()

for (d in 1:D) {
  drinkingbeh <- sienaDependent(cbind(complete(miceImp,d)$V1,
                                type = "behavior", allowOnly = FALSE)
  stationaryDataList[[d]] <- sienaDataCreate(friendship,drinkingbeh, 

Data.stationary <- sienaGroupCreate(stationaryDataList)

After creating the data, we can choose the effects for the stationary model. The suggestion is to include all effects also chosen for the longitudinal model. Note that creation and maintenance cannot be separated in a stationary model. Do not forget to include effects of the second wave.

In the stationary model it is recommended to use the geometrically weighted triangle effects (gwespFF, gwespBB, gwespFB, or gwespBF), instead of the linear additie terms (transTrip).

effects.stationary <- getEffects(Data.stationary)
effects.stationary <- includeEffects(effects.stationary, outActSqrt, inPopSqrt,
                                     gwespFF, gwespBB)

# 2nd wave as covariate
effects.stationary <- includeEffects(effects.stationary, X, name = "friendship",
                                     interaction1 = "w2")
effects.stationary <- includeEffects(effects.stationary, effFrom, 
                                     name = "drinkingbeh", interaction1 = "a2")

# influence
effects.stationary <- includeEffects(effects.stationary, name = "drinkingbeh",
                                     avAlt, interaction1 = "friendship")

effects.stationary <- includeEffects(effects.stationary,egoX,altX,
                                     name = "friendship",
                                     interaction1 = "drinkingbeh")

An important step for estimating stationary SAOMs with \(\textsf{RSiena}\) is to fix the rate function. For the imputation rather small values should be sufficient:

for (d in 1:D) {
  effects.stationary <- setEffect(effects.stationary, Rate, initialValue = 5,
                                  name = "friendship",fix = TRUE, 
                                  group = d,type = "rate",test = FALSE)
  effects.stationary <- setEffect(effects.stationary, Rate, initialValue = 3,
                                  name = "drinkingbeh",fix = TRUE,
                                  group = d,type = "rate",test = FALSE)

Before we can start the estimation of the imputation model we need to set the estimation options. It is important to set useStdInits = FALSE and cond = FALSE. We further recommend to set lessMem = TRUE to reduce the memory load during the estimation, which is especially useful when many imputations are done.

Setting firstg = 0.02 and diagonalize = 0.6 may help with obtaining convergence faster. See the \(\textsf{RSiena}\) manual for more information on these parameters.

Further, we use the behavior model type \(2\) (behModelType = c(drinkingbeh = 2)), see the manual for the different behavior model types. <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(useStdInits = FALSE,
                                              seed = 214,
                                              n3 = 3000, maxlike = FALSE,
                                              cond = FALSE, diagonalize = 0.6,
                                              firstg = 0.02,
                                              behModelType = c(drinkingbeh = 2),
                                              lessMem = TRUE)

Now we can start the estimation of the stationary SAOM. This is likely to take several estimation runs until it is converged.

period0saom <- siena07ToConvergence(alg =,
                                   dat = Data.stationary,nodes = 7,
                                   eff = effects.stationary, threshold = 0.25)

After obtaining one converged model we change the \(\textsf{RSiena}\) algorithm to imputation. This is achieved by the following settings:

imputation.options <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(useStdInits = FALSE,
                                           seed = 214,
                                           cond = FALSE, 
                                           behModelType = c(drinkingbeh = 2),
                                           maxlike = TRUE,
                                           nsub = 0,
                                           simOnly = TRUE,
                                           n3 = 10)

All that is left to do now is to obtain the D imputations. However, one minor caveat is the problem that Maximum Likelihood (ML) simulation will only start if there is at least one (1) change in each dependent variable. We obtain that by setting one random tie in the “starting network” from 1 to 0. The ML algorithm will guarantee that the tie will have changed back to 1 correctly by the end of the simulation. We do this similarly for the behavior, here a random value of the mean value of the scale (in this example the scale goes from \(1\) to \(5\), with a scale mean of \(3\)) is randomly either increased or decreased by one (i.e., in this example set to \(2\) or \(4\)).

Further, to reduce random changes in our imputation we will set all observed ties (except the changed one) to structurally fixed values (1 \(\rightarrow\) 11, 0 \(\rightarrow\) 10), with exception of the previously changed tie. This way no redundant changes will be simulated on the observed values. Such an elegant option is not available for the behavior.

These steps are only done for the stationary imputation and will not be repeated for the imputation of later waves.

# adding obeserved as a covariate

stationaryImpDataList <- list()

for (d in 1:D) {
  n1 <- s501miss
  n1 <- n1 + 10
  diag(n1) <- 0
  n2 <- n1
  tieList <- c(1:(nrow(n1)**2))[c(n1 == 11)]
  tieList <- tieList[!]

  changedTie <- sample(tieList,1)

  n1[changedTie] <- 0
  n2[changedTie] <- 1

  friendship <- sienaDependent(array(c(n1,n2), dim = c(N,N, 2)),
                            allowOnly = FALSE )
  a1 <- alc[,1]
  a1.3s <- c(1:N)[a1 == 3 & !]
  a1c <- sample(a1.3s,1)
  a1change <- complete(miceImp,d)$V1
  a1change[a1c] <- sample(c(2,4),1)
  drinkingbeh <- sienaDependent(cbind(a1change,a1), type = "behavior",
                                allowOnly = FALSE)
  stationaryImpDataList[[d]] <- sienaDataCreate(friendship, drinkingbeh, 

Data.stationary.imp <- sienaGroupCreate(stationaryImpDataList)

Now we can proceed and impute the data for the fist wave:

sims <- siena07(imputation.options, data = Data.stationary.imp,
                effects = effects.stationary,
                prevAns = period0saom,
                returnDeps = TRUE)$sims[[10]]

net1imp <- list()
alc1imp <- matrix(NA,N,D)

for (d in 1:D) {
  net1imp[[d]] = getNet(s501miss, sims[[d]][[1]][[1]]) 
  alc1imp[,d] = sims[[d]][[1]][[2]]

Now we have D joint imputations of the network (stored in net1imp) and behavior (stored in alc1imp).

(3) Multiple Imputation - Imputing later waves

We first start by preparing some lists to save the networks in:

alc2imp <- matrix(NA,N,D)
alc3imp <- matrix(NA,N,D)
net2imp <- list()
net3imp <- list()

The procedure goes wave by wave and is straightforward for \(\textsf{RSiena}\) veterans, like you. We first define the data and effects objects as usual, using one imputed network for wave 1 and the observed wave 2, with the missing data, as the end network. Then we estimate using MoM. After we have a converged model we use the estimated parameters in a ML simulation to retain one imputation of wave 2. This imputation is passed on to the next period as the starting network. We define a new data object with the imputed wave 2 as the starting network and the observed wave 3, with missing data, as the target. We, again, estimate with MoM and then impute with ML and retain one imputation. This process is repeated D times, starting once with each of the previously obtained 1st wave imputations.


estimation.options <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(useStdInits = FALSE,
                                              seed = 214,
                                              n3 = 3000, maxlike = FALSE,
                                              cond = FALSE, diagonalize = 0.3,
                                              firstg = 0.02,
                                              behModelType = c(drinkingbeh = 2),
                                              lessMem = TRUE)

for (d in 1:D) {


  # now impute wave2

  friendship <- sienaDependent(array(c(net1imp[[d]],s502miss),
                                  dim = c(N,N,2)))
  drinkingbeh <- sienaDependent(cbind(alc1imp[,d], alc[,2]), type = "behavior")
  Data.w2  <- sienaDataCreate(friendship, drinkingbeh)

  effects.twoWaves <- getEffects(Data.w2)
  effects.twoWaves <- includeEffects(effects.twoWaves, density, recip,
                                     outActSqrt, inPopSqrt, gwespFF, gwespBB)
  effects.twoWaves <- includeEffects(effects.twoWaves, egoX,  altX, egoXaltX,
                                     interaction1 =  "drinkingbeh")
  effects.twoWaves <- includeEffects(effects.twoWaves, avAlt, 
                                     name = 'drinkingbeh',
                                     interaction1 =  "friendship")

  if (d == 1) {
    period1saom <- siena07ToConvergence(alg = estimation.options,
                                        dat = Data.w2,nodes = 7,
                                        eff = effects.twoWaves,
                                        threshold = 0.25)
  } else {
    period1saom <- siena07ToConvergence(alg = estimation.options,
                                        dat = Data.w2,
                                        eff = effects.twoWaves,
                                        threshold = 0.25,nodes = 7,
                                        ans0 = period1saom)

  sims <- siena07(imputation.options, data = Data.w2,
                  effects = effects.twoWaves,
                  prevAns = period1saom,
                  returnDeps = TRUE)$sims[[10]]

  net2imp[[d]] <- getNet(s502miss, sims[[1]]) 
  alc2imp[,d] <- sims[[2]]
  # impute wave 3

  friendship <- sienaDependent(array( c(net2imp[[d]], s503miss),
                                   dim = c(N,N, 2)))
  drinkingbeh <- sienaDependent(cbind(alc2imp[,d],alc[,3]), type = "behavior")
  Data.w3  <- sienaDataCreate(friendship, drinkingbeh)

  if (d == 1) {
    period2saom <- siena07ToConvergence(alg = estimation.options,
                                           dat = Data.w3,nodes = 7,
                                           eff = effects.twoWaves,
                                        threshold = 0.25)
  } else {
    period2saom <- siena07ToConvergence(alg = estimation.options,
                                          dat = Data.w3,
                                          eff = effects.twoWaves,
                                        threshold = 0.25,nodes = 7,
                                          ans0 = period2saom)

  sims <- siena07(imputation.options, data = Data.w3,
                  effects = effects.twoWaves,
                  prevAns = period2saom,
                  returnDeps = TRUE)$sims[[10]]

  net3imp[[d]] <- getNet(s503miss, sims[[1]]) 
  alc3imp[,d] <- sims[[2]]  

The save.image('mi.RData') is inside the loop to save the data after every completed imputation. This way we are able to restart the imputation process in case of any crash at the current d imputation. If we do so, we should set the random number seed again set.seed(####) and note down the new seed and at which d we restarted. This way we can ensure that we will later be able to obtain exactly the same results again.

Keeping the save.image() outside the loop is more time efficient, especially in larger data sets where save.image() will take a lot of time to back up your data. Personally, I prefer the security that I do not have to restart from scratch in case of a crash to some minutes (or a maybe an hour?) longer computation time.

(4) Estimating the analysis models and combining results

Now that we have obtained our imputed data sets we need to run our model on the \(D\) complete data sets. The procedure works normally as any \(\textsf{RSiena}\) analysis, except that we are running it in a loop, once for each of the D imputed data sets and save the results in a list.
Use the value of n3 in the algorithm object that, in your experience, is sufficient to obtain stable standard error estimates for this data set.

saomResults <- list()

for (d in 1:D) {

  friendship <- sienaDependent(array(c(net1imp[[d]], net2imp[[d]],
                                    net3imp[[d]]), dim = c(N,N, 3)))
  drinkingbeh <- sienaDependent(cbind(alc1imp[,d],alc2imp[,d],alc3imp[,d]), 
                         type = "behavior")

  Data  <- sienaDataCreate(friendship, drinkingbeh)
  effectsData <- getEffects(Data)
  effectsData <- includeEffects(effectsData, density, recip, outActSqrt,
                                inPopSqrt, gwespFF, gwespBB)
  effectsData <- includeEffects(effectsData, egoX,  altX, egoXaltX,
                                interaction1 =  "drinkingbeh")
  effectsData <- includeEffects(effectsData, avAlt, name = 'drinkingbeh',
                                interaction1 =  "friendship")

  estimation.options <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(useStdInits = FALSE, seed = 312,
                                             n3 = 3000, maxlike = FALSE,
                                             lessMem = TRUE)
  if (d == 1) {
    saomResults[[d]] <- siena07ToConvergence(alg = estimation.options,
                                              dat = Data, eff = effectsData,
                                              threshold = 0.25,
                                              nodes = 7)
  } else {
    saomResults[[d]] <- siena07ToConvergence(alg = estimation.options,
                                                dat = Data, eff = effectsData,
                                                threshold = 0.25,
                                                ans0 = saomResults[[d - 1]],
                                                nodes = 7)

(4.1) Combining Results

Now we have D \(\textsf{RSiena}\) results and all that is left is to combine them. We need to extract all parameter and standard error estimates from the models and combine them using Rubin’s Rules.

Rubin’s rules for combining results include combining parameter estimates and covariances. Let \(\hat{\gamma}_d\) denote the \(d\)th estimate of the parameter \(\gamma\) and \(W_d= \mbox{cov}(\hat{\gamma}_d \, | \, x_d)\) the (within-imputation) covariance matrix of the parameters of data set \(x_d\). The combined estimate for the parameters is the average of the estimates of the \(D\) analyses:

\(\bar{\gamma}_D = \frac{1}{D} \sum_{d=1}^D \hat{\gamma}_d.\)

Obtaining the proper standard errors is a bit less straightforward. The combined estimate for the standard error needs to take into account the variance within and between imputations. It requires the average within-imputation covariance matrix \(\bar{W}_D\) and the between-imputation covariance matrix \(B_D\).The average within-imputation covariance matrix is given by

\(\bar{W}_D = \frac{1}{D} \sum_{d=1}^D W_d\)

and the between covariance matrix by

\(B_D = \frac{1}{D-1} \sum_{d=1}^D (\hat{\gamma}_d - \bar{\gamma}_D)(\hat{\gamma}_d - \bar{\gamma}_D)'.\)

The total variability for \(\bar{\gamma}_D\) is estimated by

\(T_D = \hat{\mbox{cov}}(\bar{\gamma}_D) = \bar{W}_D + \left(1 + \frac{1}{D} \right) B_D.\)

The standard errors for the parameters are given by the square roots of the diagonal elements of \(T_D\).

To obtain this in R, a function for the row variance will be helpful:

rowVar <- function(x) {
  rowSums((x - rowMeans(x))^2)/(dim(x)[2] - 1)

How many parameters do we have?

npar <- sum(effectsData$include)

We start by creating a dataframe for our results and fill it with the D estimated parameters and standard errors.

MIResults <-,npar,(2 * D)))

for (d in 1:D) {
  names(MIResults)[d * 2 - 1] <- paste("imp" , "mean", sep = as.character(d))
  names(MIResults)[d * 2] <- paste("imp" , "se", sep = as.character(d))
  MIResults[,d * 2 - 1] <- saomResults[[d]]$theta
  MIResults[,d * 2] <-  sqrt(diag(saomResults[[d]]$covtheta))

Now we get the average covariance structure between the parameters.

WDMIs <- matrix(0,npar,npar)

for (d in 1:D) {
  WDMIs <- WDMIs + saomResults[[d]]$covtheta

WDMIs <- (1/D) * WDMIs

Using Rubin’s Rules we combine the parameters and standard errors and complete the procedure.

finalResults <-,npar,2))
names(finalResults) <- c("combinedEstimate", "combinedSE")
rownames(finalResults) <- effectsData$effectName[effectsData$include]
finalResults$combinedEstimate <- rowMeans(MIResults[,seq(1,2*D,2)])
finalResults$combinedSE <- sqrt(diag(WDMIs) + ((D + 1)/D) *
kable(round(finalResults, 3))
combinedEstimate combinedSE
constant friendship rate (period 1) 7.479 1.606
constant friendship rate (period 2) 5.419 1.043
outdegree (density) -0.338 0.592
reciprocity 2.417 0.326
GWESP I -> K -> J (#) 2.181 0.311
GWESP I <- K <- J (#) -0.065 0.275
indegree - popularity (sqrt) -0.455 0.233
outdegree - activity (sqrt) -0.801 0.222
drinkingbeh alter -0.108 0.136
drinkingbeh ego 0.161 0.158
drinkingbeh ego x drinkingbeh alter 0.071 0.093
rate drinkingbeh (period 1) 1.491 0.484
rate drinkingbeh (period 2) 1.710 0.539
drinkingbeh linear shape 0.322 0.193
drinkingbeh quadratic shape -0.394 0.201
drinkingbeh average alter 0.681 0.489

And let us not forget to save…
