Back to the MLn macro page of Tom Snijders

Back to the multilevel page of Tom Snijders

Last change in this description and these macros: March 19, 2007.

Several macros for checking assumptions of multilevel models using MlwiN 2.0 are available:

HET1.OBE for testing level-one heteroscedasticity,
RES1.OBE for calculating level-one OLS residuals,
DINFL.OBE for calculating level-two influence diagnostics similar to Cook's distance and standardized multivariate level-two residuals.

In addition, the set of macros includes
SMOOTH.OBE for smoothing Y as a function of X;
TABLE.OBE for calculating means and standard deviations of Y grouped for values of X.
These can be used for postprocessing calculated residuals (using residuals as Y ).

You can download a zipped file (which can be unzipped using PKUNZIP or WINZIP) containing these macros by clicking

The theory behind these macros and the interpretation of their results is treated in Chapter 9 of Snijders and Bosker (1999) and in Snijders and Berkhof (2007). The procedures are according to Snijders and Berkhof (2007) and differ slightly from Snijders and Bosker (1999) because the parameter estimates used are based on the deletion principle: when assessing the effects of group j, the data for this group are taken out of the data used to estimate the parameters.
Examples of their use are in the introduction to MLwiN 2.0 given in file wexample20.pdf which can be obtained from the website connected to Snijders & Bosker (1999).

It is easy to use the macros in MLwiN 2.0. See to it that you have a log file attached, and that the command window and its output window are open if you are working in MLwiN. Take care that you have a model of the kind required for the specific macro you are using and that the columns used by the macro (as mentioned below) are not in use already. For macro HET1.OBE, specify boxes B20 and B21, e.g., by giving the commands
set B20 10
set B21 0
in the command window;
for the auxiliary macros SMOOTH.OBE and TABLE.OBE, specify boxes B1 and B2, as well as B21 (for SMOOTH.OBE) and B3 (for TABLE.OBE).
The macro then is executed by giving, e.g., the command
obey het1.obe
in the command window.

All these macros contain a header with a description of what the macro does and what it requires in terms of available variables, defined constants, and defined model. These descriptions are also reproduced here.

You can download a zipped file (which can be unzipped using PKUNZIP or WINZIP) containing these macros by clicking