Complements to
`Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks'
by B.D. Ripley
Cambridge University Press, 1996, ISBN 0-521-46086-7

These complements provide further details, and references which appeared (or came to my attention) after the book was completed in June 1995. Minor corrections can be found in the Errata list.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Page 4
The book by Przytula \& Prasanna (1993) discusses in detail the parallel implementation of neural networks.

Page 16
Langley (1996) provides a book-length introduction to one viewpoint on machine learning. Langley \& Simon (1995) and Bratko \& Muggleton (1995) discuss applications of machine learning with claimed real-world benefits.

Valentin et al. (1994) survey recent developments in face recognition.

Arbib (1995) provides many short sketches of topics over a very wide range of neural networks, both artificial and biological.

Chapter 2: Statistical Decision Theory

Page 65-66
There has been a lot of interest in combining classifiers produced by the same method on different training sets. Bagging [Breiman,1994; Breiman,1996a] is an abbreviation for `bootstrap aggregating'; the proposal is to take an unweighted average of the predictions of, say 100, classifiers trained on training sets formed by resampling with replacement from the original training set. Breiman (1996b) motivates this for unstable methods such as classification trees in which a small change in the training set can lead to a large change in the classifier. (`Plug-in' neural network fitting with multiple local minima may also be unstable.)

A variant on this idea which has been suggested many times is to add `noise' to the training set, randomly perturbing either the feature vectors tex2html_wrap_inline1148 or the classes (or both). Further along this line, we could model the joint distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline1150 and create new training sets from this distribution. Bagging can be seen as the rather extreme form of this procedure in which the model is the empirical distribution. (Krogh \& Vedelsby,1995, use cross-validation rather than re-sampling, and consider designing training sets weighted towards areas where the existing classifiers are prone to disagree.)

Boosting [Schapire,1990; Freund,1990; Drucker et al.,1993; Drucker et al.,1994; Freund,1995; Freund \& Schapire,1995; Freund \& Schapire,1996a] is altogether more ambitious. The idea is to design a series of training sets and use a combination of classifiers trained on these sets. (Majority voting and linear combinations have both been used.) The training sets are chosen sequentially, with the weights for each example being modified based on the success of the classifier trained on the previous set. (The weight of the examples which were classified incorrectly is increased relative to those which were classified correctly.) For classifiers that do not accept weights on the examples, resampling with probabilities proportional to the weights can be used.

There have been a number of practical tests of boosting, including Drucker (1996);Drucker \& Cortes (1996);Freund \& Schapire (1996b);Breiman (1996c) and Quinlan (1996a). Each of Freund \& Schapire, Breiman and Quinlan compare bagging and boosting for classification trees (although only Quinlan used weighting rather than weighted re-sampling for boosting), and all find that boosting usually out-performs bagging but can fail so badly as to make the boosted classifier worse that the original.

The original motivation for boosting was to produce a combined classifier that could fit the training set perfectly by concentrating on the regions of the feature space which the current classifier found hard. As both Breiman and Quinlan point out, this is a very different aim from producing a classifier with good generalization in problems with overlapping classes, a problem which requires boosting beyond the point needed to fit the training set perfectly. It seems likely that greater study of boosting will lead to algorithms designed to boost generalization error.

Cesa-Bianchi et al. (1993);Cesa-Bianchi et al. (1996) consider how to learn how to do as well as the best of a class of classifiers over a sequence of examples, and derive bounds for the excess errors made whilst learning which is best. This is a different goal from the usual one in combining classifiers, which is to do better than even the best classifier by exploiting the strengths of all. The algorithm used is boosting-like, maintaining weights for each expert rather than each example.

Page 80
Chernoff's bound follows from the results of that paper, but in this precise form is due to Angluin \& Valiant (1979).

Page 82
The constants in these results can be refined slightly by using probability inequalities which are specific to binomial distributions. (One difficulty is that the references, like Anthony \& Shawe-Taylor,1993, omit the proofs of these inequalities, which I find far subtler than the ideas which are proved. The improvements were omitted because of the lack of accessible proofs to which to refer the reader.)

In (2.50) the factor 1/8 in the exponent can be removed. Parrondo \& Van der Broeck (1993) give


and Vapnik(1995, pp. 66, 85) quotes the constant 4 as in (2.50), although proofs are deferred to the forthcoming Vapnik (1996).

The improvements of Parrondo \& Van der Broeck rely on

  1. Replacing (2.55) by


    This follows from the binomial inequality


    for each choice of sign, and so, conditionally on the first sample


    Inequality (1) says that for a binomial distribution the median lies within one of the mean; it seems well-known to combinatorists, none of whom was able to give me a reference.

  2. replacing the use of Hoeffding's inequality at the top of page 87 by an inequality of Vapnik (1982):


The bound for proposition 2.5 may be improved to tex2html_wrap_inline1160 by the same ideas. (The statement in Parrondo \& Van der Broeck,1993, does not follow from their proof and appears to be wrong.)

Chapter 3: Linear Discriminant Analysis

Page 116
Analytical evidence that optimizing the number of errors made by a perceptron is hard is provided by Höffgen et al. (1995) who showed that the problem of determining if there is a solution with at most tex2html_wrap_inline1162 misclassifications is NP-hard. (For k = 0 it is reducible to a linear programming program as shown on this page, so solvable in polynomial time.)

Page 118
Minsky & Papert showed that the weights needed in a perceptron could be large for some realistic problems. As for binary inputs the perceptron learning algorithm only changes one coordinate of tex2html_wrap_inline1166 by unity at each step, large weights entail slow convergence.

Prior to Minsky & Papert, Muroga et al. (1961) had shown that the weights in a linearly-separating perceptron with n binary inputs could be chosen to be integers less than tex2html_wrap_inline1170 , and Muroga (1965) showed that there were problems where integer weights of tex2html_wrap_inline1172 gif are required. Hampson \& Volper (1986) showed that in some sense an average problem needs integer weights of tex2html_wrap_inline1176 . More recently Håstad found an example which needs integer weights at least as large as tex2html_wrap_inline1178 . These results are reviewed and proved by Parberry (1994).

Other learning rules are less restricted. We saw that Mansfield's method makes at most tex2html_wrap_inline1180 mistakes before finding a linearly separating solution, a bound reduced to tex2html_wrap_inline1182 by Maass \& Turán (1994) by using a more recent method in convex optimization. (They also show that every method makes at least tex2html_wrap_inline1184 mistakes are necessary on some problems with p binary inputs.).

Page 120
Support-vector machines [Cortes \& Vapnik,1995; Vapnik,1995]. If two classes are linearly separable, there will be a continuum of weight vectors tex2html_wrap_inline1166 which give rise to separating hyperplanes. Amongst these we can choose a hyperplane with maximal distance to the nearest example, achieved by minimizing tex2html_wrap_inline1190 whilst insisting that tex2html_wrap_inline1192 . Finding this hyperplane is a quadratic programming problem, and the usual Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions show that there will be a subset of examples tex2html_wrap_inline1194 (known as support vectors) for which tex2html_wrap_inline1196 and that the optimal tex2html_wrap_inline1166 is a linear combination of these tex2html_wrap_inline1194 .

The advantage is choosing the optimal hyperplane is to reduce the VC-dimension of the space of solutions (which is proportional to a bound on tex2html_wrap_inline1190 ). If the two classes are linearly separable then [Vapnik1995, Theorem 5.2] the expected error rate on future examples is bounded by the expected number of support vectors divided by n-1. Thus finding a small number of support vectors might indicate good generalization properties.

Of course, linear separation in the original feature space is quite rare, but as for generalized linear discrimination (page 121) we can expand the feature space by using polynomials or even radial-basis function networks and sigmoidal functions. These can give rise to very large feature spaces, but generalization may remain acceptable if the number of support vectors remains small, which was the case in the experiments reported by Vapnik(1995, section 5.7).

By jointly minimizing the sum of the degree of error (page 116) and tex2html_wrap_inline1190 these ideas can be extended to non-separable two-class problems [Cortes \& Vapnik,1995].

Chapter 5: Feed-forward Neural Networks

Page 157
According to Werbos (1995), the weight-decay penalty tex2html_wrap_inline1208 was also proposed by Werbos (1987).

Page 165
We saw that a local minimum which fits well is not important in the Bayesian integration if it corresponds to a sharp peak of the posterior density of the weights. Hochreiter \& Schmidhuber (1995);Hochreiter \& Schmidhuber (1996) add a penalty to the optimization to encourage exploring broad peaks. However, they still use local optimization, and their penalty is better regarded as an elaborate form of weight decay.

Page 172
Marchand et al. (1990) had another early construction algorithm.

Page 179
This VC-dimension result for threshold-unit neural networks was anticipated by Cover (1968).

Page 180
The description of the tex2html_wrap_inline1210 and tex2html_wrap_inline1212 results fails to make clear what is allowed to vary; these results apply to networks where both the number of input units and the number of hidden units are allowed to increase. In that case Sakurai (1993) has tex2html_wrap_inline1212 results for networks with one hidden layer and real inputs (whereas Maass considered binary inputs).

For sigmoidal neural networks, Karpinski \& Macintyre (1995a);Karpinski \& Macintyre (1995b) showed that the VC-dimension is tex2html_wrap_inline1216 gif, and Koiran \& Sontag (1996) showed that tex2html_wrap_inline1222 . Bartlett \& Williamson (1996) bound the VC-dimension for a single-hidden-layer network by tex2html_wrap_inline1224 if the inputs are restricted to tex2html_wrap_inline1226 .

Chapter 6: Non-parametric Methods

Page 197-198
Lowe (1995) proposes a distance-weighted nearest-neighbour method with a Gaussian kernel ( tex2html_wrap_inline1228 ) where tex2html_wrap_inline1230 is proportional to the average distance to the, say, first 5 neighbours, and tex2html_wrap_inline1232 is weighted by weights for each feature. (Thus a quadratic metric with diagonal A is used.) Both the constant of proportionality and the metric are chosen by (leave-one-out) cross-validation. Like that of Fukunaga \& Flick (1984) this is a global method, but Lowe mentions that the feature weights could be chosen locally, as was done by Atkeson (1991) in a control problem. The restriction to a diagonal metric places the pre-processing of the features at a premium.

Friedman (1994) and Hastie \& Tibshirani (1996a);Hastie \& Tibshirani (1996b) look for a local metric. Friedman works in the spirit of Short \& Fukunaga (1980);Short \& Fukunaga (1981), using a local measure of relevance and choosing a hyper-rectangle (corresponding to an tex2html_wrap_inline1236 distance with a diagonal weighting matrix) by recursive partitioning on this relevance measure. The proposal of Hastie \& Tibshirani is much simpler; they use Euclidean distance on the linear discriminants for points within a small neighbourhood (defined by this metric and so chosen recursively).

Page 200-201
Further references on `memory-based reasoning' are Waltz (1990);Aha et al. (1991);Cost \& Salzberg (1993) and Rachlin et al. (1994).

Chapter 7: Tree-structured Classifiers

Page 236-7
Debate has continued in the machine-learning community on how to choose amongst attributes at a split. Buntine \& Niblett (1992) reviewed approaches at that time. More recently, some authors have spotted [Catlett,1991; Auer et al.,1995; Dougherty et al.,1995] that discretizing a continuous attribute can improve the performance of a classification tree induced by Quinlan's C4.5 and rarely makes the performance worse. This might arise since for a continuous attribute X the only splits allowed are of the form tex2html_wrap_inline1240 , whereas for a nominal attribute any split of the values into two groups is allowed, and this can result in splitting a discretized continuous attribute into a series of intervals and their complement. Indeed, Holte (1993) and Auer et al. (1995) have shown that very shallow trees (one level or two levels respectively) can be rather effective on many common problems if splits of this sort are allowed.

This has led to discussion of algorithms to find `efficient' and `optimal' multi-way splits of continuous attributes [Fayyad \& Irani,1993; Fulton et al.,1995; Elomaa \& Rousu,1996]. The idea is to partition a continuous attribute into K ;SPMgt; 2 disjoint intervals, and have K daughter nodes, in such a way as to maximize the reduction in impurity. (Elomaa \& Rousu,1996 point out errors and inefficiencies in the earlier algorithms.)

Quinlan (1996b) disputes whether this is the actual cause of the increased performance, and proposes amendments to C4.5 which in his experiments regain its advantage over discretization. There are several small changes, but the major effect is to introduce a bias against continuous attributes, as the wide choice of threshold t gives a selection bias in favour of continuous attributes. (If there are N values of X in the training set, the information gain of tex2html_wrap_inline1240 is reduced by tex2html_wrap_inline1254 .)

Page 240
There has been renewed interest in taking linear combinations of variables at nodes, sometimes known as perceptron, neural, multivariate or oblique trees: Utgoff (1989);Heath et al. (1993);Murthy et al. (1993);Murthy et al. (1994);Brodley \& Utgoff (1995).

Page 241
Craven \& Shavlik (1996) consider using trees to `explain' the classifier modelled by a neural network, that is approximates a neural network by a classification tree, trained by querying the neural network as an oracle. (This is related to Angluin's ideas on page 7.)

Page 242
There has been further work on averaging multiple decision trees. One idea is to replace the pruning of a tree by a weighted average over all prunings. Although there are very many such prunings, averaging a prediction over prunings amounts to a weighted average over potential terminal nodes (usually all nodes) and so is feasible; see Willems et al. (1993);Willems et al. (1995);Oliver \& Hand (1995);Helmbold \& Schapire (1995);Helmbold \& Schapire (1996). Other combination ideas are given by Ali \& Pazzani (1995);Ho (1995) and Shlien (1990).

Chapter 8: Belief Networks

Page 245
Applications of Bayesian belief networks are considered in in the March 1995 issue of Communications of the ACM by [Heckerman \& Wellman,1995; Burnell \& Horvitz,1995; Heckerman et al.,1995; Fung \& Del Favarro,1995].

Page 245, 258-262
Almond (1995) is a thesis-length treatment of graphical computations for Dempster-Shafer belief functions, which have probability calculations as a special case. There are many possible join trees, and Almond considers other constructions which may produce trees better-suited to the computational complexity of belief-function computations. Also, as belief functions do not have a division operator, the calculations have to be organised to exclude the denominators from the product in the numerator. [Despite its claimed date, Almond's book was published several months into 1996, with 1993 papers cited as `to appear' in its references.]

Page 258-262
Shafer (1996) will give an in-depth account of join trees and their rôle in probabilistic expert systems. [It is due in August 1996.]

Chapter 9: Unsupervised Methods

Page 304
The experiments of Wang \& Oja (1993) comparing a five-layer auto-associator with principal component analysis found that the latter gave better generalization.


Page 354
Benveniste et al. (1990) and Ljung et al. (1992) are books on stochastic approximation.


Aha et al. (1991)
Aha, D. W., Kibler, D. & Albert, M. K. (1991) Instance-based learning algorithms. Machine Learning 6(1), 37-66.

Ali & Pazzani (1995)
Ali, K. M. & Pazzani, M. J. (1995) On the link between error correlation and error reduction in decision tree ensembles. Technical Report 95-38, Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California at Irvine.

Almond (1995)
Almond, R. G. (1995) Graphical Belief Modeling. London: Chapman & Hall. ISBN 0-412-06661-0. [Despite the date, this book was actually published in May 1996].

Angluin & Valiant (1979)
Angluin, D. & Valiant, L. G. (1979) Fast probabilistic algorithms for Hamiltonian circuits and matchings. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 18, 155-193.

Anthony & Shawe-Taylor (1993)
Anthony, M. & Shawe-Taylor, J. (1993) A result of Vapnik with applications. Discrete Applied Mathematics 47, 207-217. [Erratum (1994) 52, 211 (the proof of theorem 2.1 is corrected)].

Arbib (1995)
Arbib, M. A. (ed.) (1995) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-01148-4.

Atkeson (1991)
Atkeson, C. G. (1991) Using locally weighted regression for robot learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (Sacremento, CA, 1991), pp. 958-963. IEEE Press.

Auer et al. (1995)
Auer, P., Holte, R. C. & Maass, W. (1995) Theory and application of agnostic PAC-learning with small decision trees. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 21-29. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. Also NeuroCOLT Technical Report NC-TR-96-034 (Feb 1996).

Bartlett & Williamson (1996)
Bartlett, P. L. & Williamson, R. C. (1996) The VC dimension and pseudodimension of two-layer neural networks with discrete inputs. Neural Computation 8(3), 625-628.

Benveniste et al. (1990)
Benveniste, A., Métivier, M. & Priouret, P. (1990) Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations. Berlin: Springer.

Bratko & Muggleton (1995)
Bratko, I. & Muggleton, S. (1995) Applications of inductive logic programming. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 38(11), 65-70.

Breiman (1994)
Breiman, L. (1994) Bagging predictors. Technical Report 421, Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley.

Breiman (1996a)
Breiman, L. (1996a) Bagging predictors. Machine Learning .

Breiman (1996b)
Breiman, L. (1996b) The heuristics of instability in model selection. Annals of Statistics .

Breiman (1996c)
Breiman, L. (1996c) Bias, variance and arcing classifiers. Technical report, Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley.

Brodley & Utgoff (1995)
Brodley, C. E. & Utgoff, P. E. (1995) Multivariate decision trees. Machine Learning 19, 45-77.

Buntine & Niblett (1992)
Buntine, W. & Niblett, T. (1992) A further comparison of splitting rules for decision-tree induction. Machine Learning 8, 75-86.

Burnell & Horvitz (1995)
Burnell, L. & Horvitz, E. (1995) Structure and chance: Melding logic and probability for software debugging. Communications of the ACM 38(3), 31-41, 57.

Catlett (1991)
Catlett, J. (1991) On changing continuous attributes into ordered discrete attributes. In Proceedings of the European Working Session on Learning - EWSL-91, ed. Y. Kodratoff, pp. 164-178. Berlin: Springer.

Cesa-Bianchi et al. (1993)
Cesa-Bianchi, M., Freund, Y., Helmbold, D. P., Haussler, D., Schapire, R. E. & Warmuth, M. K. (1993) How to use expert advice. In Proceedings of the Twenth-Fifth ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (San Diego, CA, 1993), pp. 382-391. New York: ACM Press.

Cesa-Bianchi et al. (1996)
Cesa-Bianchi, M., Freund, Y., Helmbold, D. P., Haussler, D., Schapire, R. E. & Warmuth, M. K. (1996) How to use expert advice. Journal of the ACM .

Cortes & Vapnik (1995)
Cortes, C. & Vapnik, V. (1995) Support-vector networks. Machine Learning 20, 273-297.

Cost & Salzberg (1993)
Cost, S. & Salzberg, S. (1993) A weighted nearest neighbor algorithm for learning with symbolic features. Machine Learning 10, 57-78.

Cover (1968)
Cover, T. M. (1968) Capacity problems for linear machines. In Pattern Recognition, ed. L. Kanal, pp. 283-289. Thompson.

Craven & Shavlik (1996)
Craven, M. W. & Shavlik, J. W. (1996) Extracting tree-structured representations of trained networks. In Touretzky et al. (1996), pp. 24-30.

Dasarathy (1991)
Dasarathy, B. V. (ed.) (1991) Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press.

Dougherty et al. (1995)
Dougherty, J., Kohavi, R. & Sahami, M. (1995) Supervised and unsupervised discretization of continuous features. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning, eds A. Prieditis & S. Russell, pp. 194-202. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Drucker (1996)
Drucker, H. (1996) Fast decision tree ensembles for optical character recognition. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrival.

Drucker & Cortes (1996)
Drucker, H. & Cortes, C. (1996) Boosting decision trees. In Touretzky et al. (1996), pp. 479-486.

Drucker et al. (1993)
Drucker, H., Schapire, R. & Simard, P. (1993) Boosting performance in neural networks. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 7(4), 705-719.

Drucker et al. (1994)
Drucker, H., Cortes, C., Jaeckel, L. D., LeCun, Y. & Vapnik, V. (1994) Boosting and other ensemble methods. Neural Computation 6(6), 1289-1301.

Elomaa & Rousu (1996)
Elomaa, T. & Rousu, J. (1996) Finding optimal multi-splits for numerical attributes in decision tree learning. NeuroCOLT Technical Report Series NC-TR-96-041, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki.

Fayyad & Irani (1993)
Fayyad, U. M. & Irani, K. B. (1993) Multi-interval discretization of continuous-valued attributes in decision tree generation. In Proceedings of the the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Chambery, France, 1993), pp. 1022-1027. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Freund (1990)
Freund, Y. (1990) Boosting a weak learning algorithm by majority. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Learning Theory, pp. 202-216. Morgan Kaufmann.

Freund (1995)
Freund, Y. (1995) Boosting a weak learning algorithm by majority. Information and Computation 121(2), 256-285.

Freund & Schapire (1995)
Freund, Y. & Schapire, R. E. (1995) A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting. In Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computational Learning Theory, pp. 23-37. Springer.

Freund & Schapire (1996a)
Freund, Y. & Schapire, R. E. (1996a) Game theory, on-line prediction and boosting. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory.

Freund & Schapire (1996b)
Freund, Y. & Schapire, R. E. (1996b) Experiments with a new boosting algorithm. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Machine Learning.

Friedman (1994)
Friedman, J. H. (1994) Flexible metric nearest neighbor classification. Technical report, Department of Statistics, Stanford University.

Fukunaga & Flick (1984)
Fukunaga, K. & Flick, T. E. (1984) An optimal global nearest neighbor metric. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 6, 314-318. [Reprinted in Dasarathy (1991)].

Fulton et al. (1995)
Fulton, T., Kasif, S. & Salzberg, S. (1995) Efficient algorithms for finding multi-way splits for decision trees. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning, eds A. Prieditis & S. Russell, pp. 244-251. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Fung & Del Favarro (1995)
Fung, R. & Del Favarro, B. (1995) Applying Bayesian networks to information retrival. Communications of the ACM 38(3), 42-48, 57.

Hampson & Volper (1986)
Hampson, S. E. & Volper, D. J. (1986) Linear function neurons: structure and training. Biological Cybernetics .

Hastie & Tibshirani (1996a)
Hastie, T. & Tibshirani, R. (1996a) Discriminant adaptive nearest neighbor classification and regression. In Touretzky et al. (1996), pp. 409-415.

Hastie & Tibshirani (1996b)
Hastie, T. & Tibshirani, R. (1996b) Discriminant adaptive nearest neighbor classification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18, 607-618.

Heath et al. (1993)
Heath, D., Kasif, S. & Salzberg, S. (1993) Learning oblique decision trees. In Proceedings of the the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Chambery, France, 1993), pp. 1002-1007. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Heckerman & Wellman (1995)
Heckerman, D. & Wellman, M. P. (1995) Bayesian networks. Communications of the ACM 38(3), 26-30.

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Heckerman, D., Breese, J. S. & Rommelse, K. (1995) Decision-theoretic troubleshooting. Communications of the ACM 38(3), 49-57.

Helmbold & Schapire (1995)
Helmbold, D. P. & Schapire, R. E. (1995) Predicting nearly as well as the best pruning of a decision tree. In Proceedings of the Eight Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory, pp. 61-68. New York: ACM Press.

Helmbold & Schapire (1996)
Helmbold, D. P. & Schapire, R. E. (1996) Predicting nearly as well as the best pruning of a decision tree. Machine Learning .

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Ho, T. K. (1995) Random decision forests. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 278-282. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Hochreiter & Schmidhuber (1995)
Hochreiter, S. & Schmidhuber, J. (1995) Simplifying neural nets by discovering flat minima. In Tesauro et al. (1995), pp. 529-536. ISBN 0-262-20104-6.

Hochreiter & Schmidhuber (1996)
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Holte (1993)
Holte, R. C. (1993) Very simple classification rules perform well on most commonly used datasets. Machine Learning 11, 63-91.

Höffgen et al. (1995)
Höffgen, K.-U., Simon, H.-U. & Van Horn, K. S. (1995) Robust trainability of single neurons. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 50(1), 114-125.

Karpinski & Macintyre (1995a)
Karpinski, M. & Macintyre, A. (1995a) Bounding VC-dimension of neural networks: Progress and prospects. In Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Barcelona, Spain), ed. P. Vitanyi, number 904 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 337-341. Berlin: Springer.

Karpinski & Macintyre (1995b)
Karpinski, M. & Macintyre, A. (1995b) Polynomial bounds for VC dimension of sigmoidal neural networks. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (Las Vegas), pp. 200-208. ACM Press.

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The notation tex2html_wrap_inline1216 is defined on page 178.
with an explicit bound for a single-output network which has a leading term of tex2html_wrap_inline1216 where M is the number of sigmoidal units

Brian Ripley
Thu Aug 15 22:57:29 BST 1996