------------------------------------------------------------ INFORMATION FOR THE FILES CONTAINED IN THIS DIRECTORY. ------------------------------------------------------------ - Folders YRI and CEU in this directory contain the phased haplotypes from the consensus HapMap III data, of populations YRI and CEU respectively. - Files are compressed and have filenames of the form: hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly.chrX_Y.phased.gz where X is the chromosome number and Y the three letter abbreviation for the population the samples belong to (in lower case) e.g.: hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly.chr20_ceu.phased.gz - Files are organised in a snps x haplotypes format, so every row represents a SNP and every column a haplotype. - The first row (header row) contains the IIDs of the individuals that have been phased. Suffixes _A and _B represent transmitted and untransmitted alleles, respectively,for a particular genotype. For instance, NA19009_A would be the transmitted allele of genotype NA19009 at that site. - The first column (header column) contains the rsID of the SNPs were the individual genotypes have been typed. - The second column contains the physical position of these SNPs in the particular chromosome. - Entries with anything other than A, C, G, or T represent unresolved haplotypes. - The imputation of unresolved alleles in these files was performed using Bryan Howie's algorithm (impute++). - The recombination rates used are from 22_b36 release of Hapmap data and can be found online at: http://ftp.hapmap.org/recombination/2008-03_rel22_B36/rates/ - Effective population size used for CEU is 11418 - Effective population size used for YRI is 17094