* using log directory ‘/data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck’ * using R Under development (unstable) (2024-04-24 r86484) * using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu * R was compiled by gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20240316 (Red Hat 13.2.1-7) GNU Fortran (GCC) 13.2.1 20240316 (Red Hat 13.2.1-7) * running under: Fedora Linux 38 (Workstation Edition) * using session charset: UTF-8 * checking for file ‘baRulho/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package ‘baRulho’ version ‘2.1.0’ * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for executable files ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘baRulho’ can be installed ... [14s/14s] OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [29s/29s] OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd line widths ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK * checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking LazyData ... OK * checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK * checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK * checking examples ... [48s/40s] ERROR Running examples in ‘baRulho-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > ### Name: plot_blur_ratio > ### Title: Plot blur ratio > ### Aliases: plot_blur_ratio > > ### ** Examples > > { + # load example data + data("test_sounds_est") + + # add reference to X + X <- set_reference_sounds(X = test_sounds_est) + + # create plots + plot_blur_ratio(X = X, dest.path = tempdir()) + } Error in plot_blur_ratio(X = X, dest.path = tempdir()) : 1 argument check(s) failed: * Argument 'dest.path': Directory * '/tmp/RtmpxA21IX/working_dir/RtmpS0qFO9' does not exist. Calls: plot_blur_ratio -> .report_assertions Execution halted * checking examples with --run-donttest ... [46s/40s] ERROR Running examples in ‘baRulho-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > ### Name: plot_blur_ratio > ### Title: Plot blur ratio > ### Aliases: plot_blur_ratio > > ### ** Examples > > { + # load example data + data("test_sounds_est") + + # add reference to X + X <- set_reference_sounds(X = test_sounds_est) + + # create plots + plot_blur_ratio(X = X, dest.path = tempdir()) + } Error in plot_blur_ratio(X = X, dest.path = tempdir()) : 1 argument check(s) failed: * Argument 'dest.path': Directory * '/tmp/RtmpxA21IX/working_dir/RtmpsL9aHM' does not exist. Calls: plot_blur_ratio -> .report_assertions Execution halted * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ...Warning: elapsed-time limit of 45 minutes reached for sub-process [0m/45m] ERROR Error(s) in re-building vignettes: ... --- re-building ‘align_test_sounds.Rmd’ using rmarkdown ** Processing: /data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho/vignettes/align_test_sounds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png 560x280 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB Input IDAT size = 11609 bytes Input file size = 11699 bytes Trying: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 8836 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5 Selecting parameters: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 8836 Output IDAT size = 8836 bytes (2773 bytes decrease) Output file size = 8914 bytes (2785 bytes = 23.81% decrease) ** Processing: /data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho/vignettes/align_test_sounds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png 560x280 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB Input IDAT size = 21248 bytes Input file size = 21350 bytes Trying: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 14684 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5 Selecting parameters: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 14684 Output IDAT size = 14684 bytes (6564 bytes decrease) Output file size = 14762 bytes (6588 bytes = 30.86% decrease) ** Processing: /data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho/vignettes/align_test_sounds_files/figure-html/master sound file-1.png 560x280 pixels, 8 bits/pixel, 254 colors in palette Reducing image to 8 bits/pixel, grayscale Input IDAT size = 4874 bytes Input file size = 5726 bytes Trying: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 4060 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5 Selecting parameters: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 4060 Output IDAT size = 4060 bytes (814 bytes decrease) Output file size = 4138 bytes (1588 bytes = 27.73% decrease) ** Processing: /data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho/vignettes/align_test_sounds_files/figure-html/spectro master 1-1.png 560x280 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB Input IDAT size = 17177 bytes Input file size = 17279 bytes Trying: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 11340 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5 Selecting parameters: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 11340 Output IDAT size = 11340 bytes (5837 bytes decrease) Output file size = 11418 bytes (5861 bytes = 33.92% decrease) ** Processing: /data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho/vignettes/align_test_sounds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png 560x280 pixels, 8 bits/pixel, 254 colors in palette Reducing image to 8 bits/pixel, grayscale Input IDAT size = 4874 bytes Input file size = 5726 bytes Trying: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 4060 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5 Selecting parameters: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 4060 Output IDAT size = 4060 bytes (814 bytes decrease) Output file size = 4138 bytes (1588 bytes = 27.73% decrease) ** Processing: /data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho/vignettes/align_test_sounds_files/figure-html/spectro master 2-1.png 560x280 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB Input IDAT size = 45124 bytes Input file size = 45262 bytes Trying: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 26269 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5 zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5 zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5 Selecting parameters: zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 26269 Output IDAT size = 26269 bytes (18855 bytes decrease) Output file size = 26347 bytes (18915 bytes = 41.79% decrease) Execution halted --- re-building ‘quantify_degradation.Rmd’ using rmarkdown *** caught segfault *** address 0x7ff8ba400640, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: solve.default(M) 2: solve(M) 3: which(test) 4: .ifelse(x <= 0.0031308, 12.92 * x, 1.055 * x %^% (1/2.4) - 0.055) 5: ungamma(xyz %*% solve(M)) 6: to$fromXYZ(xyz, to.ref.white) 7: convertColor(cbind(palette[[1L]](x), palette[[2L]](x), palette[[3L]](x), if (alpha) palette[[4L]](x)), from = "Lab", to = "sRGB") 8: pmin(rgb, 1) 9: pmax(pmin(rgb, 1), 0) 10: roundcolor(convertColor(cbind(palette[[1L]](x), palette[[2L]](x), palette[[3L]](x), if (alpha) palette[[4L]](x)), from = "Lab", to = "sRGB")) 11: fn_cols(seq(begin, end, length.out = n)) 12: color.palette(length(levels) - 1) 13: .filled.contour(as.double(x), as.double(y), z, as.double(levels), col = col) 14: filled_contour_wrblr_int(x = X, y = Y, z = Z, bg.col = colbg, levels = collevels, nlevels = 20, plot.title = title(main = main, xlab = tlab, ylab = flab), color.palette = palette, axisX = FALSE, axisY = axisY, col.lab = collab, colaxis = colaxis, add = add) 15: warbleR:::spectro_wrblr_int2(wave = wave, palette = palette, axisX = FALSE, axisY = FALSE, grid = FALSE, collevels = collevels, flim = fl, wl = wl, ovlp = ovlp, ...) 16: FUN(X[[i]], ...) 17: lapply(X = S, FUN = FUN, ...) 18: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 19: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 20: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 21: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys.call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if (is.na(w)) w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))}) 22: try(lapply(X = S, FUN = FUN, ...), silent = TRUE) 23: sendMaster(try(lapply(X = S, FUN = FUN, ...), silent = TRUE)) 24: FUN(X[[i]], ...) 25: lapply(seq_len(cores), inner.do) 26: parallel::mclapply(X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ..., mc.cores = as.integer(cl)) 27: warbleR:::pblapply_wrblr_int(X = sort(unique(soundid_X$page)), pbar = pb, cl = cl, FUN = .plot_degrad, X, soundid_X, flim, path, dest.path, img_width, img_heigth, res, page_layout, nrow, ncol, envelope, spectrum, distances, wl, spc_fill, bg_sp_env, bg_titles, ovlp, collevels, env.smooth, palette, ...) 28: plot_degradation(test_sounds_est, dest.path = tempdir()) 29: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 30: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 31: eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers) 32: withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)) 33: withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler) 34: handle(ev <- withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler)) 35: timing_fn(handle(ev <- withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler))) 36: evaluate_call(expr, parsed$src[[i]], envir = envir, enclos = enclos, debug = debug, last = i == length(out), use_try = stop_on_error != 2L, keep_warning = keep_warning, keep_message = keep_message, log_echo = log_echo, log_warning = log_warning, output_handler = output_handler, include_timing = include_timing) 37: evaluate::evaluate(...) 38: evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options)) 39: in_dir(input_dir(), expr) 40: in_input_dir(evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options))) 41: eng_r(options) 42: block_exec(params) 43: call_block(x) 44: process_group(group) 45: withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) rlang::entrace(e)) 46: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) { loc = if (is.function(fun)) trimws(fun(label)) else "" if (loc != "") loc = sprintf(" at lines %s", loc) message(one_string(handler(e, loc)))}) 47: xfun:::handle_error(withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) rlang::entrace(e)), function(e, loc) { setwd(wd) write_utf8(res, output %n% stdout()) paste0("\nQuitting from lines ", loc) }, if (labels[i] != "") sprintf(" [%s]", labels[i]), get_loc) 48: process_file(text, output) 49: knitr::knit(knit_input, knit_output, envir = envir, quiet = quiet) 50: rmarkdown::render(file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), output_dir = getwd(), ...) 51: vweave_rmarkdown(...) 52: engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) 53: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 54: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 55: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 56: tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) if (!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) }}, error = function(e) { OK <<- FALSE message(gettextf("Error: processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)))}) 57: tools:::.buildOneVignette("quantify_degradation.Rmd", "/data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/vign_test/baRulho", TRUE, FALSE, "quantify_degradation", "UTF-8", "/tmp/RtmpxA21IX/working_dir/RtmpOrv1Wh/file1f3c1f799cd36d.rds") An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ... * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK * checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK * checking for new files in some other directories ... OK * DONE Status: 3 ERRORs See ‘/data/blackswan/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/baRulho.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details. Command exited with non-zero status 1 Time 48:37.52, 132.77 + 78.57