* using log directory ‘/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-LENGTH1/pse.Rcheck’ * using R Under development (unstable) (2022-04-26 r82260) * using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) * using session charset: UTF-8 * using option ‘--no-stop-on-test-error’ * checking for file ‘pse/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package ‘pse’ version ‘0.4.7’ * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for executable files ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘pse’ can be installed ... [18s/52s] OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... [26s/53s] OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd line widths ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK * checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK * checking compilation flags used ... OK * checking compiled code ... OK * checking sizes of PDF files under ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK * checking examples ... [9s/15s] ERROR Running examples in ‘pse-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > ### Name: LHS > ### Title: Latin Hypercube Sampling for Uncertainty and Sensitivity > ### Analyses > ### Aliases: LHS print.LHS tell tell.LHS > > ### ** Examples > > completeLHS <- LHS(model=function(x) x[,1]+x[,2]*x[,3], factors=3, N=20) ----------- FAILURE REPORT -------------- --- failure: length > 1 in coercion to logical --- --- srcref --- : --- package (from environment) --- pse --- call from context --- LHS(model = function(x) x[, 1] + x[, 2] * x[, 3], factors = 3, N = 20) --- call from argument --- is.null(res.names) && !is.na(res) --- R stacktrace --- where 1: LHS(model = function(x) x[, 1] + x[, 2] * x[, 3], factors = 3, N = 20) --- value of length: 20 type: logical --- , , 1 [,1] [1,] TRUE [2,] TRUE [3,] TRUE [4,] TRUE [5,] TRUE [6,] TRUE [7,] TRUE [8,] TRUE [9,] TRUE [10,] TRUE [11,] TRUE [12,] TRUE [13,] TRUE [14,] TRUE [15,] TRUE [16,] TRUE [17,] TRUE [18,] TRUE [19,] TRUE [20,] TRUE --- function from context --- function (model = NULL, factors, N, q = NULL, q.arg = NULL, res.names = NULL, method = c("HL", "random"), opts = list(), nboot = 0, repetitions = 1, cl = NULL) { method = match.arg(method) my.opts = list(COR = 0, eps = 5e-04, maxIt = 0) my.opts[names(opts)] <- opts if (is.numeric(factors) && length(factors) == 1) factors = paste("I", 1:factors, sep = "") else if (!is.character(factors)) { stop("Error in function LHS: factors should be either a single number or a character vector") } if (!is.numeric(N) || length(N) != 1) { stop("Error in function LHS: N should be a single number") } if (N < length(factors) + 2) { stop("Error in function LHS: the number of points N must be at least the number of factors + 2") } if (is.null(q)) q = rep("qunif", length(factors)) else if (length(q) == 1) q = rep(q, length(factors)) if (is.null(q.arg)) q.arg = rep(list(list()), length(factors)) else if (FALSE %in% sapply(q.arg, is.list)) q.arg <- rep(list(q.arg), length(factors)) L <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = N, ncol = length(factors))) colnames(L) <- factors for (i in 1:length(factors)) L[, i] <- sample(do.call(q[[i]], c(list(p = 1:N/N - 1/N/2), q.arg[[i]]))) if (method == "HL") { L <- LHScorcorr(L, COR = my.opts$COR, eps = my.opts$eps, maxIt = my.opts$maxIt) } res <- internal.run(cl, model, L, repetitions) prcc <- internal.prcc(L, res, nboot) if (is.null(res.names) && !is.na(res)) res.names <- paste("O", 1:dim(res)[2], sep = "") X <- list(call = match.call(), N = N, data = L, factors = factors, q = q, q.arg = q.arg, opts = my.opts, model = model, res = res, prcc = prcc, res.names = res.names) class(X) <- "LHS" return(X) } --- function search by body --- Function LHS in namespace pse has this body. ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT -------------- Fatal error: length > 1 in coercion to logical * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [11s/18s] ERROR Error(s) in re-building vignettes: --- re-building ‘multiple.Rnw’ using Sweave Loading required package: Hmisc Loading required package: lattice Loading required package: survival Loading required package: Formula Loading required package: ggplot2 Attaching package: ‘Hmisc’ The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: format.pval, units ----------- FAILURE REPORT -------------- --- failure: length > 1 in coercion to logical --- --- srcref --- : --- package (from environment) --- pse --- call from context --- LHS(modelRun, N = 300, factors = 4, nboot = 50) --- call from argument --- is.null(res.names) && !is.na(res) --- R stacktrace --- where 1: LHS(modelRun, N = 300, factors = 4, nboot = 50) where 2: eval(expr, .GlobalEnv) where 3: eval(expr, .GlobalEnv) where 4: withVisible(eval(expr, .GlobalEnv)) where 5: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) where 6: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) where 7: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) where 8: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys.call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if (is.na(w)) w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e)) }) where 9: try(withVisible(eval(expr, .GlobalEnv)), silent = TRUE) where 10: evalFunc(ce, options) where 11: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) where 12: tryCatch(evalFunc(ce, options), finally = { cat("\n") sink() }) where 13: driver$runcode(drobj, chunk, chunkopts) where 14: utils::Sweave(...) where 15: engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) where 16: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) where 17: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) where 18: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) where 19: tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) if (!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } outputs <- c(outputs, output) }, error = function(e) { thisOK <<- FALSE fails <<- c(fails, file) message(gettextf("Error: processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e))) }) where 20: tools:::buildVignettes(dir = "/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-LENGTH1/pse.Rcheck/vign_test/pse") --- value of length: 300 type: logical --- , , 1 [,1] [1,] TRUE [2,] TRUE [3,] TRUE [4,] TRUE [5,] TRUE [6,] TRUE [7,] TRUE [8,] TRUE [9,] TRUE [10,] TRUE [11,] TRUE [12,] TRUE [13,] TRUE [14,] TRUE [15,] TRUE [16,] TRUE [17,] TRUE [18,] TRUE [19,] TRUE [20,] TRUE [21,] TRUE [22,] TRUE [23,] TRUE [24,] TRUE [25,] TRUE [26,] TRUE [27,] TRUE [28,] TRUE [29,] TRUE [30,] TRUE [31,] TRUE [32,] TRUE [33,] TRUE [34,] TRUE [35,] TRUE [36,] TRUE [37,] TRUE [38,] TRUE [39,] TRUE [40,] TRUE [41,] TRUE [42,] TRUE [43,] TRUE [44,] TRUE [45,] TRUE [46,] TRUE [47,] TRUE [48,] TRUE [49,] TRUE [50,] TRUE [51,] TRUE [52,] TRUE [53,] TRUE [54,] TRUE [55,] TRUE [56,] TRUE [57,] TRUE [58,] TRUE [59,] TRUE [60,] TRUE [61,] TRUE [62,] TRUE [63,] TRUE [64,] TRUE [65,] TRUE [66,] TRUE [67,] TRUE [68,] TRUE [69,] TRUE [70,] TRUE [71,] TRUE [72,] TRUE [73,] TRUE [74,] TRUE [75,] TRUE [76,] TRUE [77,] TRUE [78,] TRUE [79,] TRUE [80,] TRUE [81,] TRUE [82,] TRUE [83,] TRUE [84,] TRUE [85,] TRUE [86,] TRUE [87,] TRUE [88,] TRUE [89,] TRUE [90,] TRUE [91,] TRUE [92,] TRUE [93,] TRUE [94,] TRUE [95,] TRUE [96,] TRUE [97,] TRUE [98,] TRUE [99,] TRUE [100,] TRUE [101,] TRUE [102,] TRUE [103,] TRUE [104,] TRUE [105,] TRUE [106,] TRUE [107,] TRUE [108,] TRUE [109,] TRUE [110,] TRUE [111,] TRUE [112,] TRUE [113,] TRUE [114,] TRUE [115,] TRUE [116,] TRUE [117,] TRUE [118,] TRUE [119,] TRUE [120,] TRUE [121,] TRUE [122,] TRUE [123,] TRUE [124,] TRUE [125,] TRUE [126,] TRUE [127,] TRUE [128,] TRUE [129,] TRUE [130,] TRUE [131,] TRUE [132,] TRUE [133,] TRUE [134,] TRUE [135,] TRUE [136,] TRUE [137,] TRUE [138,] TRUE [139,] TRUE [140,] TRUE [141,] TRUE [142,] TRUE [143,] TRUE [144,] TRUE [145,] TRUE [146,] TRUE [147,] TRUE [148,] TRUE [149,] TRUE [150,] TRUE [151,] TRUE [152,] TRUE [153,] TRUE [154,] TRUE [155,] TRUE [156,] TRUE [157,] TRUE [158,] TRUE [159,] TRUE [160,] TRUE [161,] TRUE [162,] TRUE [163,] TRUE [164,] TRUE [165,] TRUE [166,] TRUE [167,] TRUE [168,] TRUE [169,] TRUE [170,] TRUE [171,] TRUE [172,] TRUE [173,] TRUE [174,] TRUE [175,] TRUE [176,] TRUE [177,] TRUE [178,] TRUE [179,] TRUE [180,] TRUE [181,] TRUE [182,] TRUE [183,] TRUE [184,] TRUE [185,] TRUE [186,] TRUE [187,] TRUE [188,] TRUE [189,] TRUE [190,] TRUE [191,] TRUE [192,] TRUE [193,] TRUE [194,] TRUE [195,] TRUE [196,] TRUE [197,] TRUE [198,] TRUE [199,] TRUE [200,] TRUE [201,] TRUE [202,] TRUE [203,] TRUE [204,] TRUE [205,] TRUE [206,] TRUE [207,] TRUE [208,] TRUE [209,] TRUE [210,] TRUE [211,] TRUE [212,] TRUE [213,] TRUE [214,] TRUE [215,] TRUE [216,] TRUE [217,] TRUE [218,] TRUE [219,] TRUE [220,] TRUE [221,] TRUE [222,] TRUE [223,] TRUE [224,] TRUE [225,] TRUE [226,] TRUE [227,] TRUE [228,] TRUE [229,] TRUE [230,] TRUE [231,] TRUE [232,] TRUE [233,] TRUE [234,] TRUE [235,] TRUE [236,] TRUE [237,] TRUE [238,] TRUE [239,] TRUE [240,] TRUE [241,] TRUE [242,] TRUE [243,] TRUE [244,] TRUE [245,] TRUE [246,] TRUE [247,] TRUE [248,] TRUE [249,] TRUE [250,] TRUE [251,] TRUE [252,] TRUE [253,] TRUE [254,] TRUE [255,] TRUE [256,] TRUE [257,] TRUE [258,] TRUE [259,] TRUE [260,] TRUE [261,] TRUE [262,] TRUE [263,] TRUE [264,] TRUE [265,] TRUE [266,] TRUE [267,] TRUE [268,] TRUE [269,] TRUE [270,] TRUE [271,] TRUE [272,] TRUE [273,] TRUE [274,] TRUE [275,] TRUE [276,] TRUE [277,] TRUE [278,] TRUE [279,] TRUE [280,] TRUE [281,] TRUE [282,] TRUE [283,] TRUE [284,] TRUE [285,] TRUE [286,] TRUE [287,] TRUE [288,] TRUE [289,] TRUE [290,] TRUE [291,] TRUE [292,] TRUE [293,] TRUE [294,] TRUE [295,] TRUE [296,] TRUE [297,] TRUE [298,] TRUE [299,] TRUE [300,] TRUE --- function from context --- function (model = NULL, factors, N, q = NULL, q.arg = NULL, res.names = NULL, method = c("HL", "random"), opts = list(), nboot = 0, repetitions = 1, cl = NULL) { method = match.arg(method) my.opts = list(COR = 0, eps = 5e-04, maxIt = 0) my.opts[names(opts)] <- opts if (is.numeric(factors) && length(factors) == 1) factors = paste("I", 1:factors, sep = "") else if (!is.character(factors)) { stop("Error in function LHS: factors should be either a single number or a character vector") } if (!is.numeric(N) || length(N) != 1) { stop("Error in function LHS: N should be a single number") } if (N < length(factors) + 2) { stop("Error in function LHS: the number of points N must be at least the number of factors + 2") } if (is.null(q)) q = rep("qunif", length(factors)) else if (length(q) == 1) q = rep(q, length(factors)) if (is.null(q.arg)) q.arg = rep(list(list()), length(factors)) else if (FALSE %in% sapply(q.arg, is.list)) q.arg <- rep(list(q.arg), length(factors)) L <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = N, ncol = length(factors))) colnames(L) <- factors for (i in 1:length(factors)) L[, i] <- sample(do.call(q[[i]], c(list(p = 1:N/N - 1/N/2), q.arg[[i]]))) if (method == "HL") { L <- LHScorcorr(L, COR = my.opts$COR, eps = my.opts$eps, maxIt = my.opts$maxIt) } res <- internal.run(cl, model, L, repetitions) prcc <- internal.prcc(L, res, nboot) if (is.null(res.names) && !is.na(res)) res.names <- paste("O", 1:dim(res)[2], sep = "") X <- list(call = match.call(), N = N, data = L, factors = factors, q = q, q.arg = q.arg, opts = my.opts, model = model, res = res, prcc = prcc, res.names = res.names) class(X) <- "LHS" return(X) } --- function search by body --- Function LHS in namespace pse has this body. ----------- END OF FAILURE REPORT -------------- Fatal error: length > 1 in coercion to logical * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK * checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK * DONE Status: 2 ERRORs See ‘/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-LENGTH1/pse.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details. Command exited with non-zero status 1 Time 6:26.51, 148.27 + 15.64