* using log directory ‘/Users/ripley/R/packages/tests-Accelerate/wildmeta.Rcheck’ * using R Under development (unstable) (2023-09-17 r85158) * using platform: aarch64-apple-darwin22.6.0 * R was compiled by Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1) GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0 * running under: macOS Ventura 13.5.2 * using session charset: UTF-8 * using option ‘--no-stop-on-test-error’ * checking for file ‘wildmeta/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * this is package ‘wildmeta’ version ‘0.3.2’ * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for executable files ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘wildmeta’ can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking use of S3 registration ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... OK * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK * checking examples ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK * checking tests ... Running ‘testthat.R’ [46s/46s] [46s/47s] OK * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [23s/21s] ERROR Error(s) in re-building vignettes: --- re-building ‘cwbmeta.Rmd’ using rmarkdown *** caught segfault *** address 0x110, cause 'invalid permissions' *** caught segfault *** address 0x110, cause 'invalid permissions' Traceback: 1: base::chol2inv(x, ...) 2: chol2inv(chol(V)) 3: chol2inv(chol(V)) 4: chol(chol2inv(chol(V))) 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) if (inherits(w, classes)) tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning")) 6: suppressWarnings(chol(chol2inv(chol(V)))) 7: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 8: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 9: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 10: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys.call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if (is.na(w)) w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))}) 11: try(suppressWarnings(chol(chol2inv(chol(V)))), silent = TRUE) 12: rma.mv(yi = d_boot, V = Vmat, random = ~study_type | study, data = dat, mods = ~0 + study_type + hrs + test) 13: eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env) 14: eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env) 15: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 16: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 17: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 18: tryCatch(eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env), error = function(e) NA) 19: ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) 20: FUN(X[[i]], ...) 21: lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...)}) 22: (function (...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) }})(cluster = c(9L, 10L, 11L, 11L, 16L, 16L, 23L, 23L, 27L, 44L, 44L, 12L, 12L, 13L, 13L, 14L, 14L, 15L, 15L, 17L, 17L, 18L, 18L, 24L, 25L, 22L, 22L, 26L, 26L, 29L, 29L, 43L, 45L, 45L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 19L, 19L, 20L, 20L, 21L, 21L, 28L, 28L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L, 46L, 46L)) 23: do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) }}, args = future.call.arguments) 24: withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) }}, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond)}) 25: eval(quote({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })}), new.env()) 26: eval(quote({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })}), new.env()) 27: eval(expr, p) 28: eval(expr, p) 29: eval.parent(substitute(eval(quote(expr), envir))) 30: base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })}) 31: base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })})) 32: base::withCallingHandlers({ ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) }) })) future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), ...future.globalenv.names)) else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8")}, condition = base::local({ c <- base::c inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart length <- base::length list <- base::list seq.int <- base::seq.int signalCondition <- base::signalCondition sys.calls <- base::sys.calls `[[` <- base::`[[` `+` <- base::`+` `<<-` <- base::`<<-` sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - 3L)] } function(cond) { is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, NULL) if (is_error) { sessionInformation <- function() { list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) } ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) signalCondition(cond) } else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"))) { signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) if (TRUE && !signal) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } else { if (TRUE) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } }})) 33: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 34: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 35: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 36: base::tryCatch({ base::withCallingHandlers({ ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) }) })) future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), ...future.globalenv.names)) else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") }, condition = base::local({ c <- base::c inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart length <- base::length list <- base::list seq.int <- base::seq.int signalCondition <- base::signalCondition sys.calls <- base::sys.calls `[[` <- base::`[[` `+` <- base::`+` `<<-` <- base::`<<-` sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - 3L)] } function(cond) { is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, NULL) if (is_error) { sessionInformation <- function() { list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) } ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) signalCondition(cond) } else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"))) { signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) if (TRUE && !signal) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } else { if (TRUE) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } } }))}, error = function(ex) { base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")}, finally = { if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) setwd(...future.workdir) { if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL } base::options(...future.oldOptions) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) envs <- base::Sys.getenv() names <- names(envs) common <- intersect(names, old_names) added <- setdiff(names, old_names) removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != envs[common]] NAMES <- toupper(changed) args <- list() for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- changed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } NAMES <- toupper(added) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- added[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- "" } NAMES <- toupper(removed) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- removed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } if (length(args) > 0) base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL } else { base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) } { if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > 0L) { opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded base::options(opts) } { { base::options(mc.cores = ...future.mc.cores.old) NULL } options(future.plan = NULL) if (is.na(NA_character_)) Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) future::plan(list(function (..., workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), envir = parent.frame()) { default_workers <- missing(workers) if (is.function(workers)) workers <- workers() workers <- structure(as.integer(workers), class = class(workers)) stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L) if ((workers == 1L && !inherits(workers, "AsIs")) || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) { if (default_workers) supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE) return(sequential(..., envir = envir)) } oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers) on.exit(options(oopts)) future <- MulticoreFuture(..., workers = workers, envir = envir) if (!future$lazy) future <- run(future) invisible(future) }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) } } }}) 37: eval(expr, env) 38: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 39: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 40: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 41: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys.call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if (is.na(w)) w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))}) 42: try(eval(expr, env), silent = TRUE) 43: serialize(what, NULL, xdr = FALSE) 44: sendMaster(try(eval(expr, env), silent = TRUE), FALSE) 45: (function (expr, name, mc.set.seed = TRUE, silent = FALSE, mc.affinity = NULL, mc.interactive = FALSE, detached = FALSE) { f <- mcfork(detached) env <- parent.frame() if (isTRUE(mc.set.seed)) mc.advance.stream() if (inherits(f, "masterProcess")) { on.exit(mcexit(1L, structure("fatal error in wrapper code", class = "try-error"))) if (isTRUE(mc.set.seed)) mc.set.stream() mc.interactive <- as.logical(mc.interactive) if (isTRUE(mc.interactive)) mcinteractive(TRUE) if (isTRUE(!mc.interactive)) mcinteractive(FALSE) if (!is.null(mc.affinity)) mcaffinity(mc.affinity) if (isTRUE(silent)) closeStdout(TRUE) if (detached) { on.exit(mcexit(1L)) eval(expr, env) mcexit(0L) } sendMaster(try(eval(expr, env), silent = TRUE), FALSE) mcexit(0L) } if (!missing(name) && !is.null(name)) f$name <- as.character(name)[1L] class(f) <- c("parallelJob", class(f)) f})({ { { ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() { { { { { base::local({ has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE) if (has_future) { ns <- base::getNamespace("future") version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] if (is.null(version)) version <- utils::packageVersion("future") } else { version <- NULL } if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", "", base::R.version$version.string), platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", "release", "version")], collapse = " "), hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), info) info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") if (!has_future) { msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", info) } else { msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", info, version) } base::stop(msg) } }) } ...future.mc.cores.old <- base::getOption("mc.cores") base::options(mc.cores = 1L) } base::local({ for (pkg in c("clubSandwich", "metafor" )) { base::loadNamespace(pkg) base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) } }) } options(future.plan = NULL) Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) } ...future.workdir <- getwd() } ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() } base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = 26214400000, future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), base::names(...future.oldOptions)) } if (FALSE) { } else { if (TRUE) { ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), open = "w") } else { ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") } base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) base::close(...future.stdout) }, add = TRUE) } ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() ...future.conditions <- base::list() ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed if (FALSE) { ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") } ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ base::withCallingHandlers({ ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) }) })) future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), ...future.globalenv.names)) else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") }, condition = base::local({ c <- base::c inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart length <- base::length list <- base::list seq.int <- base::seq.int signalCondition <- base::signalCondition sys.calls <- base::sys.calls `[[` <- base::`[[` `+` <- base::`+` `<<-` <- base::`<<-` sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - 3L)] } function(cond) { is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, NULL) if (is_error) { sessionInformation <- function() { list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) } ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) signalCondition(cond) } else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"))) { signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) if (TRUE && !signal) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } else { if (TRUE) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } } })) }, error = function(ex) { base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") }, finally = { if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) setwd(...future.workdir) { if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL } base::options(...future.oldOptions) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) envs <- base::Sys.getenv() names <- names(envs) common <- intersect(names, old_names) added <- setdiff(names, old_names) removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != envs[common]] NAMES <- toupper(changed) args <- list() for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- changed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } NAMES <- toupper(added) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- added[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- "" } NAMES <- toupper(removed) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- removed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } if (length(args) > 0) base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL } else { base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) } { if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > 0L) { opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded base::options(opts) } { { base::options(mc.cores = ...future.mc.cores.old) NULL } options(future.plan = NULL) if (is.na(NA_character_)) Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) future::plan(list(function (..., workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), envir = parent.frame()) { default_workers <- missing(workers) if (is.function(workers)) workers <- workers() workers <- structure(as.integer(workers), class = class(workers)) stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L) if ((workers == 1L && !inherits(workers, "AsIs")) || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) { if (default_workers) supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE) return(sequential(..., envir = envir)) } oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers) on.exit(options(oopts)) future <- MulticoreFuture(..., workers = workers, envir = envir) if (!future$lazy) future <- run(future) invisible(future) }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) } } } }) if (TRUE) { base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) if (TRUE) { ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) } else { ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) } base::close(...future.stdout) ...future.stdout <- NULL } ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() ...future.result}) 46: do.call(parallel::mcparallel, args = future.args, envir = envir) 47: run.MulticoreFuture(future) 48: run(future) 49: run.Future(future) 50: run(future) 51: future(expr, substitute = FALSE, envir = future.envir, stdout = future.stdout, conditions = future.conditions, globals = globals_ii, packages = packages_ii, seed = future.seed, label = labels[ii]) 52: future_xapply(FUN = FUN, nX = nX, chunk_args = X, args = list(...), get_chunk = `chunkWith[[`, expr = expr, envir = envir, future.envir = future.envir, future.globals = future.globals, future.packages = future.packages, future.scheduling = future.scheduling, future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size, future.stdout = future.stdout, future.conditions = future.conditions, future.seed = future.seed, future.label = future.label, fcn_name = fcn_name, args_name = args_name, debug = debug) 53: future_lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ..., future.envir = future.envir, future.label = future.label) 54: (function (X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, future.envir = parent.frame(), future.label = "future_sapply-%d") { FUN <- match.fun(FUN) answer <- future_lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ..., future.envir = future.envir, future.label = future.label) if (USE.NAMES && is.character(X) && is.null(names(answer))) names(answer) <- X if (!isFALSE(simplify) && length(answer)) simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array")) else answer})(X = list(c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13)), FUN = function (y_boot, cluster = cluster) { boot_env$dat[[y_name]] <- y_boot boot_model_call <- do.call(metafor::update.rma, args = arg_list) boot_mod <- tryCatch(eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env), error = function(e) NA) if (inherits(boot_mod, "rma")) { cov_mat <- clubSandwich::vcovCR(boot_mod, cluster = cluster, type = type) res <- clubSandwich::Wald_test(boot_mod, constraints = C_mat, vcov = cov_mat, test = test) res <- res$Fstat } else { res <- NA } return(res)}, cluster = c(9L, 10L, 11L, 11L, 16L, 16L, 23L, 23L, 27L, 44L, 44L, 12L, 12L, 13L, 13L, 14L, 14L, 15L, 15L, 17L, 17L, 18L, 18L, 24L, 25L, 22L, 22L, 26L, 26L, 29L, 29L, 43L, 45L, 45L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 19L, 19L, 20L, 20L, 21L, 21L, 28L, 28L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L, 46L, 46L), simplify = TRUE, future.packages = c("clubSandwich", "metafor")) 55: do.call(future.apply::future_sapply, args = c(sapply_args, future_args, future_f_args)) 56: run_cwb(null_model, cluster = cluster, R = R, f = get_boot_F, auxiliary_dist = auxiliary_dist, adjust = adjust, simplify = TRUE, seed = seed, future_args = future_args, future_f_args = future_f_args) 57: Wald_test_cwb(full_model = rma_model, constraints = constrain_equal(1:3), R = reps, seed = 20210314) 58: system.time(res_para <- Wald_test_cwb(full_model = rma_model, constraints = constrain_equal(1:3), R = reps, seed = 20210314)) 59: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 60: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 61: eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers) 62: withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)) 63: withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler) 64: handle(ev <- withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler)) 65: timing_fn(handle(ev <- withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler))) 66: evaluate_call(expr, parsed$src[[i]], envir = envir, enclos = enclos, debug = debug, last = i == length(out), use_try = stop_on_error != 2L, keep_warning = keep_warning, keep_message = keep_message, log_echo = log_echo, log_warning = log_warning, output_handler = output_handler, include_timing = include_timing) 67: evaluate::evaluate(...) 68: evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options)) 69: in_dir(input_dir(), expr) 70: in_input_dir(evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options))) 71: eng_r(options) 72: block_exec(params) 73: call_block(x) 74: process_group.block(group) 75: process_group(group) 76: withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) rlang::entrace(e)) 77: withCallingHandlers(withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) rlang::entrace(e)), error = function(e) { setwd(wd) write_utf8(res, output %n% stdout()) message("\nQuitting from lines ", paste(current_lines(i), collapse = "-"), if (labels[i] != "") sprintf(" [%s]", labels[i]), sprintf(" (%s)", knit_concord$get("infile"))) }) 78: process_file(text, output) 79: knitr::knit(knit_input, knit_output, envir = envir, quiet = quiet) 80: rmarkdown::render(file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), output_dir = getwd(), ...) 81: vweave_rmarkdown(...) 82: engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) 83: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 84: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 85: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 86: tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) if (!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } outputs <- c(outputs, output)}, error = function(e) { thisOK <<- FALSE fails <<- c(fails, file) message(gettextf("Error: processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)))}) 87: tools::buildVignettes(dir = "/Users/ripley/R/packages/tests-Accelerate/wildmeta.Rcheck/vign_test/wildmeta", skip = TRUE, ser_elibs = "/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T//Rtmp4Jf6Hm/file17f366b4be5d4.rds") An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ... Traceback: 1: base::chol2inv(x, ...) 2: chol2inv(chol(V)) 3: chol2inv(chol(V)) 4: chol(chol2inv(chol(V))) 5: withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = function(w) if (inherits(w, classes)) tryInvokeRestart("muffleWarning")) 6: suppressWarnings(chol(chol2inv(chol(V)))) 7: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 8: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 9: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 10: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys.call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if (is.na(w)) w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))}) 11: try(suppressWarnings(chol(chol2inv(chol(V)))), silent = TRUE) 12: rma.mv(yi = d_boot, V = Vmat, random = ~study_type | study, data = dat, mods = ~0 + study_type + hrs + test) 13: eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env) 14: eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env) 15: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 16: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 17: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 18: tryCatch(eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env), error = function(e) NA) 19: ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) 20: FUN(X[[i]], ...) 21: lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...)}) 22: (function (...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) }})(cluster = c(9L, 10L, 11L, 11L, 16L, 16L, 23L, 23L, 27L, 44L, 44L, 12L, 12L, 13L, 13L, 14L, 14L, 15L, 15L, 17L, 17L, 18L, 18L, 24L, 25L, 22L, 22L, 26L, 26L, 29L, 29L, 43L, 45L, 45L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 19L, 19L, 20L, 20L, 21L, 21L, 28L, 28L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L, 46L, 46L)) 23: do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) }}, args = future.call.arguments) 24: withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) }}, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond)}) 25: eval(quote({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })}), new.env()) 26: eval(quote({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })}), new.env()) 27: eval(expr, p) 28: eval(expr, p) 29: eval.parent(substitute(eval(quote(expr), envir))) 30: base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })}) 31: base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) })})) 32: base::withCallingHandlers({ ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) }) })) future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), ...future.globalenv.names)) else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8")}, condition = base::local({ c <- base::c inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart length <- base::length list <- base::list seq.int <- base::seq.int signalCondition <- base::signalCondition sys.calls <- base::sys.calls `[[` <- base::`[[` `+` <- base::`+` `<<-` <- base::`<<-` sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - 3L)] } function(cond) { is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, NULL) if (is_error) { sessionInformation <- function() { list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) } ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) signalCondition(cond) } else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"))) { signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) if (TRUE && !signal) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } else { if (TRUE) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } }})) 33: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 34: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 35: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 36: base::tryCatch({ base::withCallingHandlers({ ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) }) })) future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), ...future.globalenv.names)) else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") }, condition = base::local({ c <- base::c inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart length <- base::length list <- base::list seq.int <- base::seq.int signalCondition <- base::signalCondition sys.calls <- base::sys.calls `[[` <- base::`[[` `+` <- base::`+` `<<-` <- base::`<<-` sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - 3L)] } function(cond) { is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, NULL) if (is_error) { sessionInformation <- function() { list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) } ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) signalCondition(cond) } else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"))) { signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) if (TRUE && !signal) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } else { if (TRUE) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } } }))}, error = function(ex) { base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult")}, finally = { if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) setwd(...future.workdir) { if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL } base::options(...future.oldOptions) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) envs <- base::Sys.getenv() names <- names(envs) common <- intersect(names, old_names) added <- setdiff(names, old_names) removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != envs[common]] NAMES <- toupper(changed) args <- list() for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- changed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } NAMES <- toupper(added) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- added[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- "" } NAMES <- toupper(removed) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- removed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } if (length(args) > 0) base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL } else { base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) } { if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > 0L) { opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded base::options(opts) } { { base::options(mc.cores = ...future.mc.cores.old) NULL } options(future.plan = NULL) if (is.na(NA_character_)) Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) future::plan(list(function (..., workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), envir = parent.frame()) { default_workers <- missing(workers) if (is.function(workers)) workers <- workers() workers <- structure(as.integer(workers), class = class(workers)) stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L) if ((workers == 1L && !inherits(workers, "AsIs")) || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) { if (default_workers) supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE) return(sequential(..., envir = envir)) } oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers) on.exit(options(oopts)) future <- MulticoreFuture(..., workers = workers, envir = envir) if (!future$lazy) future <- run(future) invisible(future) }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) } } }}) 37: eval(expr, env) 38: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 39: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 40: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 41: tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) { call <- conditionCall(e) if (!is.null(call)) { if (identical(call[[1L]], quote(doTryCatch))) call <- sys.call(-4L) dcall <- deparse(call, nlines = 1L) prefix <- paste("Error in", dcall, ": ") LONG <- 75L sm <- strsplit(conditionMessage(e), "\n")[[1L]] w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w") if (is.na(w)) w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b") if (w > LONG) prefix <- paste0(prefix, "\n ") } else prefix <- "Error : " msg <- paste0(prefix, conditionMessage(e), "\n") .Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L])) if (!silent && isTRUE(getOption("show.error.messages"))) { cat(msg, file = outFile) .Internal(printDeferredWarnings()) } invisible(structure(msg, class = "try-error", condition = e))}) 42: try(eval(expr, env), silent = TRUE) 43: serialize(what, NULL, xdr = FALSE) 44: sendMaster(try(eval(expr, env), silent = TRUE), FALSE) 45: (function (expr, name, mc.set.seed = TRUE, silent = FALSE, mc.affinity = NULL, mc.interactive = FALSE, detached = FALSE) { f <- mcfork(detached) env <- parent.frame() if (isTRUE(mc.set.seed)) mc.advance.stream() if (inherits(f, "masterProcess")) { on.exit(mcexit(1L, structure("fatal error in wrapper code", class = "try-error"))) if (isTRUE(mc.set.seed)) mc.set.stream() mc.interactive <- as.logical(mc.interactive) if (isTRUE(mc.interactive)) mcinteractive(TRUE) if (isTRUE(!mc.interactive)) mcinteractive(FALSE) if (!is.null(mc.affinity)) mcaffinity(mc.affinity) if (isTRUE(silent)) closeStdout(TRUE) if (detached) { on.exit(mcexit(1L)) eval(expr, env) mcexit(0L) } sendMaster(try(eval(expr, env), silent = TRUE), FALSE) mcexit(0L) } if (!missing(name) && !is.null(name)) f$name <- as.character(name)[1L] class(f) <- c("parallelJob", class(f)) f})({ { { ...future.startTime <- base::Sys.time() { { { { { base::local({ has_future <- base::requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE) if (has_future) { ns <- base::getNamespace("future") version <- ns[[".package"]][["version"]] if (is.null(version)) version <- utils::packageVersion("future") } else { version <- NULL } if (!has_future || version < "1.8.0") { info <- base::c(r_version = base::gsub("R version ", "", base::R.version$version.string), platform = base::sprintf("%s (%s-bit)", base::R.version$platform, 8 * base::.Machine$sizeof.pointer), os = base::paste(base::Sys.info()[base::c("sysname", "release", "version")], collapse = " "), hostname = base::Sys.info()[["nodename"]]) info <- base::sprintf("%s: %s", base::names(info), info) info <- base::paste(info, collapse = "; ") if (!has_future) { msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' is not installed on worker (%s)", info) } else { msg <- base::sprintf("Package 'future' on worker (%s) must be of version >= 1.8.0: %s", info, version) } base::stop(msg) } }) } ...future.mc.cores.old <- base::getOption("mc.cores") base::options(mc.cores = 1L) } base::local({ for (pkg in c("clubSandwich", "metafor" )) { base::loadNamespace(pkg) base::library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) } }) } options(future.plan = NULL) Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") future::plan("default", .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) } ...future.workdir <- getwd() } ...future.oldOptions <- base::as.list(base::.Options) ...future.oldEnvVars <- base::Sys.getenv() } base::options(future.startup.script = FALSE, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.maxSize = 25690112000, future.globals.method = NULL, future.globals.onMissing = NULL, future.globals.onReference = NULL, future.globals.resolve = NULL, future.resolve.recursive = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse = NULL, future.rng.onMisuse.keepFuture = NULL, future.stdout.windows.reencode = NULL, width = 80L) ...future.futureOptionsAdded <- base::setdiff(base::names(base::.Options), base::names(...future.oldOptions)) } if (FALSE) { } else { if (TRUE) { ...future.stdout <- base::rawConnection(base::raw(0L), open = "w") } else { ...future.stdout <- base::file(base::switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows = "NUL", "/dev/null"), open = "w") } base::sink(...future.stdout, type = "output", split = FALSE) base::on.exit(if (!base::is.null(...future.stdout)) { base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) base::close(...future.stdout) }, add = TRUE) } ...future.frame <- base::sys.nframe() ...future.conditions <- base::list() ...future.rng <- base::globalenv()$.Random.seed if (FALSE) { ...future.globalenv.names <- c(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), "...future.value", "...future.globalenv.names", ".Random.seed") } ...future.result <- base::tryCatch({ base::withCallingHandlers({ ...future.value <- base::withVisible(base::local({ withCallingHandlers({ { do.call(function(...) { ...future.globals.maxSize.org <- getOption("future.globals.maxSize") if (!identical(...future.globals.maxSize.org, ...future.globals.maxSize)) { oopts <- options(future.globals.maxSize = ...future.globals.maxSize) on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE) } { lapply(seq_along(...future.elements_ii), FUN = function(jj) { ...future.X_jj <- ...future.elements_ii[[jj]] ...future.FUN(...future.X_jj, ...) }) } }, args = future.call.arguments) } }, immediateCondition = function(cond) { save_rds <- function (object, pathname, ...) { pathname_tmp <- sprintf("%s.tmp", pathname) if (file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) stopf("Cannot save RDS file because a temporary save file already exists: %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]]) } tryCatch({ saveRDS(object, file = pathname_tmp, ...) }, error = function(ex) { msg <- conditionMessage(ex) fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) msg <- sprintf("saveRDS() failed to save to temporary file %s (%.0f bytes; last modified on %s). The reason was: %s", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], msg) ex$message <- msg stop(ex) }) stopifnot(file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) res <- file.rename(from = pathname_tmp, to = pathname) if (!res || file_test("-f", pathname_tmp)) { fi_tmp <- file.info(pathname_tmp) fi <- file.info(pathname) msg <- sprintf("save_rds() failed to rename temporary save file %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s) to %s (%0.f bytes; last modified on %s)", sQuote(pathname_tmp), fi_tmp[["size"]], fi_tmp[["mtime"]], sQuote(pathname), fi[["size"]], fi[["mtime"]]) stop(msg) } invisible(pathname) } saveImmediateCondition <- function (cond, path = immediateConditionsPath(rootPath = rootPath), rootPath = tempdir()) { obj <- list(time = Sys.time(), condition = cond) file <- tempfile(pattern = class(cond)[1], tmpdir = path, fileext = ".rds") save_rds(obj, file) } saveImmediateCondition(cond, path = "/private/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T/Rtmp4Jf6Hm/working_dir/RtmpSnC21Q/.future/immediateConditions") muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond) }) })) future::FutureResult(value = ...future.value$value, visible = ...future.value$visible, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), globalenv = if (FALSE) list(added = base::setdiff(base::names(base::.GlobalEnv), ...future.globalenv.names)) else NULL, started = ...future.startTime, version = "1.8") }, condition = base::local({ c <- base::c inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart length <- base::length list <- base::list seq.int <- base::seq.int signalCondition <- base::signalCondition sys.calls <- base::sys.calls `[[` <- base::`[[` `+` <- base::`+` `<<-` <- base::`<<-` sysCalls <- function(calls = sys.calls(), from = 1L) { calls[seq.int(from = from + 12L, to = length(calls) - 3L)] } function(cond) { is_error <- inherits(cond, "error") ignore <- !is_error && !is.null(NULL) && inherits(cond, NULL) if (is_error) { sessionInformation <- function() { list(r = base::R.Version(), locale = base::Sys.getlocale(), rngkind = base::RNGkind(), namespaces = base::loadedNamespaces(), search = base::search(), system = base::Sys.info()) } ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, calls = c(sysCalls(from = ...future.frame), cond$call), session = sessionInformation(), timestamp = base::Sys.time(), signaled = 0L) signalCondition(cond) } else if (!ignore && TRUE && inherits(cond, c("condition", "immediateCondition"))) { signal <- TRUE && inherits(cond, "immediateCondition") ...future.conditions[[length(...future.conditions) + 1L]] <<- list(condition = cond, signaled = base::as.integer(signal)) if (TRUE && !signal) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } else { if (TRUE) { muffleCondition <- function (cond, pattern = "^muffle") { inherits <- base::inherits invokeRestart <- base::invokeRestart is.null <- base::is.null muffled <- FALSE if (inherits(cond, "message")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleMessage") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleMessage") } else if (inherits(cond, "warning")) { muffled <- grepl(pattern, "muffleWarning") if (muffled) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } else if (inherits(cond, "condition")) { if (!is.null(pattern)) { computeRestarts <- base::computeRestarts grepl <- base::grepl restarts <- computeRestarts(cond) for (restart in restarts) { name <- restart$name if (is.null(name)) next if (!grepl(pattern, name)) next invokeRestart(restart) muffled <- TRUE break } } } invisible(muffled) } muffleCondition(cond, pattern = "^muffle") } } } })) }, error = function(ex) { base::structure(base::list(value = NULL, visible = NULL, conditions = ...future.conditions, rng = !identical(base::globalenv()$.Random.seed, ...future.rng), started = ...future.startTime, finished = Sys.time(), session_uuid = NA_character_, version = "1.8"), class = "FutureResult") }, finally = { if (!identical(...future.workdir, getwd())) setwd(...future.workdir) { if (identical(getOption("nwarnings"), ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings)) { ...future.oldOptions$nwarnings <- NULL } base::options(...future.oldOptions) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { old_names <- names(...future.oldEnvVars) envs <- base::Sys.getenv() names <- names(envs) common <- intersect(names, old_names) added <- setdiff(names, old_names) removed <- setdiff(old_names, names) changed <- common[...future.oldEnvVars[common] != envs[common]] NAMES <- toupper(changed) args <- list() for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- changed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } NAMES <- toupper(added) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- added[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- "" } NAMES <- toupper(removed) for (kk in seq_along(NAMES)) { name <- removed[[kk]] NAME <- NAMES[[kk]] if (name != NAME && is.element(NAME, old_names)) next args[[name]] <- ...future.oldEnvVars[[name]] } if (length(args) > 0) base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = args) args <- names <- old_names <- NAMES <- envs <- common <- added <- removed <- NULL } else { base::do.call(base::Sys.setenv, args = base::as.list(...future.oldEnvVars)) } { if (base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded) > 0L) { opts <- base::vector("list", length = base::length(...future.futureOptionsAdded)) base::names(opts) <- ...future.futureOptionsAdded base::options(opts) } { { base::options(mc.cores = ...future.mc.cores.old) NULL } options(future.plan = NULL) if (is.na(NA_character_)) Sys.unsetenv("R_FUTURE_PLAN") else Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_PLAN = NA_character_) future::plan(list(function (..., workers = availableCores(constraints = "multicore"), envir = parent.frame()) { default_workers <- missing(workers) if (is.function(workers)) workers <- workers() workers <- structure(as.integer(workers), class = class(workers)) stop_if_not(is.finite(workers), workers >= 1L) if ((workers == 1L && !inherits(workers, "AsIs")) || !supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE)) { if (default_workers) supportsMulticore(warn = TRUE) return(sequential(..., envir = envir)) } oopts <- options(mc.cores = workers) on.exit(options(oopts)) future <- MulticoreFuture(..., workers = workers, envir = envir) if (!future$lazy) future <- run(future) invisible(future) }), .cleanup = FALSE, .init = FALSE) } } } }) if (TRUE) { base::sink(type = "output", split = FALSE) if (TRUE) { ...future.result$stdout <- base::rawToChar(base::rawConnectionValue(...future.stdout)) } else { ...future.result["stdout"] <- base::list(NULL) } base::close(...future.stdout) ...future.stdout <- NULL } ...future.result$conditions <- ...future.conditions ...future.result$finished <- base::Sys.time() ...future.result}) 46: do.call(parallel::mcparallel, args = future.args, envir = envir) 47: run.MulticoreFuture(future) 48: run(future) 49: run.Future(future) 50: run(future) 51: future(expr, substitute = FALSE, envir = future.envir, stdout = future.stdout, conditions = future.conditions, globals = globals_ii, packages = packages_ii, seed = future.seed, label = labels[ii]) 52: future_xapply(FUN = FUN, nX = nX, chunk_args = X, args = list(...), get_chunk = `chunkWith[[`, expr = expr, envir = envir, future.envir = future.envir, future.globals = future.globals, future.packages = future.packages, future.scheduling = future.scheduling, future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size, future.stdout = future.stdout, future.conditions = future.conditions, future.seed = future.seed, future.label = future.label, fcn_name = fcn_name, args_name = args_name, debug = debug) 53: future_lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ..., future.envir = future.envir, future.label = future.label) 54: (function (X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, future.envir = parent.frame(), future.label = "future_sapply-%d") { FUN <- match.fun(FUN) answer <- future_lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ..., future.envir = future.envir, future.label = future.label) if (USE.NAMES && is.character(X) && is.null(names(answer))) names(answer) <- X if (!isFALSE(simplify) && length(answer)) simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array")) else answer})(X = list(c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.0987134403090163, `52` = 0.164020795831726, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = 0.34, `8` = 0.13, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = -0.304885699715, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = 0.57, `36` = 0.54, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.06, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = -0.0744457180627087, `33` = 0.560861637460001, `34` = 0.4, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = 0.154892543692687, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.14478646721288, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = 0.47, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = -0.101263423668483, `4` = 0.454043931854227, `5` = 0.13, `6` = 0.13, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = -0.06, `19` = -0.07, `20` = 0.21, `21` = -0.02, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.00894872929113236, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.09, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = 0.53478646721288, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.08, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.06, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.0389487292911324, `23` = 0.144256084813842, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.03, `27` = 0.15, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = -0.068511507293851, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = -0.00170340532077434, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.06, `48` = 0.25, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = 0.67, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.08, `61` = 0.3, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = 0.5, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = 0.285968984223824, `11` = 0.0812763397465339, `12` = -0.08, `13` = -0.1, `14` = -0.29, `15` = -0.14, `16` = 0.489585188169978, `17` = 0.304892543692687, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = -0.19, `29` = 0.17, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.14, `40` = 0.0312763397465339, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = 0.18, `44` = 0.392134555217691, `45` = 0.128524423371902, `46` = 0.113831778894612, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.09, `50` = 0.31, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = -0.24, `57` = 0.29, `58` = 0.26, `59` = 0.56947911169017, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = -0.53, `63` = 0.02947911169017, `64` = 0.26, `65` = 0.47, `66` = -0.211687729587713, `67` = 0.133619625934997), c(`1` = -0.0648856997150004, `2` = 0.74, `3` = 0.33, `4` = -0.23, `5` = 0.0789487292911323, `6` = 0.0742560848138421, `7` = -0.032112035506943, `8` = 0.173195320015767, `9` = 0.17723582988115, `10` = -0.11, `11` = 0.09, `12` = 0.229585188169978, `13` = 0.244892543692687, `14` = 0.439585188169978, `15` = 0.284892543692687, `16` = -0.34, `17` = -0.16, `18` = 0.209585188169978, `19` = 0.214892543692687, `20` = -0.00105127070886762, `21` = 0.224256084813842, `22` = 0.17, `23` = 0.06, `24` = 0.0749986201724949, `25` = 0.2, `26` = 0.343847454627673, `27` = 0.219154810150383, `28` = 0.392352780277671, `29` = 0.0276601358003805, `32` = 0.6, `33` = -0.04, `34` = -0.175956068145773, `35` = -0.281899882547328, `36` = -0.256592527024618, `37` = 0.22, `38` = 0.0812763397465339, `39` = 0.0345743142532647, `40` = 0.14, `41` = -0.01, `42` = 0.14, `43` = -0.00212771124000444, `44` = 0.01, `45` = 0.12, `46` = 0.13, `47` = 0.188524423371902, `48` = -0.006168221105388, `49` = 0.158524423371902, `50` = -0.066168221105388, `51` = 0.07, `52` = 0, `53` = 0.01, `54` = -0.51521353278712, `55` = -0.38, `56` = 0.39478646721288, `57` = -0.13521353278712, `58` = -0.10052088830983, `59` = -0.41, `60` = 0.07947911169017, `61` = -0.14052088830983, `62` = 0.68947911169017, `63` = 0.13, `64` = -0.10052088830983, `65` = -0.31052088830983, `66` = 0.48, `67` = 0.13)), FUN = function (y_boot, cluster = cluster) { boot_env$dat[[y_name]] <- y_boot boot_model_call <- do.call(metafor::update.rma, args = arg_list) boot_mod <- tryCatch(eval(boot_model_call, envir = boot_env), error = function(e) NA) if (inherits(boot_mod, "rma")) { cov_mat <- clubSandwich::vcovCR(boot_mod, cluster = cluster, type = type) res <- clubSandwich::Wald_test(boot_mod, constraints = C_mat, vcov = cov_mat, test = test) res <- res$Fstat } else { res <- NA } return(res)}, cluster = c(9L, 10L, 11L, 11L, 16L, 16L, 23L, 23L, 27L, 44L, 44L, 12L, 12L, 13L, 13L, 14L, 14L, 15L, 15L, 17L, 17L, 18L, 18L, 24L, 25L, 22L, 22L, 26L, 26L, 29L, 29L, 43L, 45L, 45L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 19L, 19L, 20L, 20L, 21L, 21L, 28L, 28L, 30L, 31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 40L, 41L, 42L, 46L, 46L), simplify = TRUE, future.packages = c("clubSandwich", "metafor")) 55: do.call(future.apply::future_sapply, args = c(sapply_args, future_args, future_f_args)) 56: run_cwb(null_model, cluster = cluster, R = R, f = get_boot_F, auxiliary_dist = auxiliary_dist, adjust = adjust, simplify = TRUE, seed = seed, future_args = future_args, future_f_args = future_f_args) 57: Wald_test_cwb(full_model = rma_model, constraints = constrain_equal(1:3), R = reps, seed = 20210314) 58: system.time(res_para <- Wald_test_cwb(full_model = rma_model, constraints = constrain_equal(1:3), R = reps, seed = 20210314)) 59: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 60: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 61: eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers) 62: withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)) 63: withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler) 64: handle(ev <- withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler)) 65: timing_fn(handle(ev <- withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval_with_user_handlers(expr, envir, enclos, user_handlers)), warning = wHandler, error = eHandler, message = mHandler))) 66: evaluate_call(expr, parsed$src[[i]], envir = envir, enclos = enclos, debug = debug, last = i == length(out), use_try = stop_on_error != 2L, keep_warning = keep_warning, keep_message = keep_message, log_echo = log_echo, log_warning = log_warning, output_handler = output_handler, include_timing = include_timing) 67: evaluate::evaluate(...) 68: evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options)) 69: in_dir(input_dir(), expr) 70: in_input_dir(evaluate(code, envir = env, new_device = FALSE, keep_warning = if (is.numeric(options$warning)) TRUE else options$warning, keep_message = if (is.numeric(options$message)) TRUE else options$message, stop_on_error = if (is.numeric(options$error)) options$error else { if (options$error && options$include) 0L else 2L }, output_handler = knit_handlers(options$render, options))) 71: eng_r(options) 72: block_exec(params) 73: call_block(x) 74: process_group.block(group) 75: process_group(group) 76: withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) rlang::entrace(e)) 77: withCallingHandlers(withCallingHandlers(if (tangle) process_tangle(group) else process_group(group), error = function(e) if (xfun::pkg_available("rlang", "1.0.0")) rlang::entrace(e)), error = function(e) { setwd(wd) write_utf8(res, output %n% stdout()) message("\nQuitting from lines ", paste(current_lines(i), collapse = "-"), if (labels[i] != "") sprintf(" [%s]", labels[i]), sprintf(" (%s)", knit_concord$get("infile"))) }) 78: process_file(text, output) 79: knitr::knit(knit_input, knit_output, envir = envir, quiet = quiet) 80: rmarkdown::render(file, encoding = encoding, quiet = quiet, envir = globalenv(), output_dir = getwd(), ...) 81: vweave_rmarkdown(...) 82: engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) 83: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 84: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 85: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 86: tryCatch({ engine$weave(file, quiet = quiet, encoding = enc) setwd(startdir) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "weave", engine = engine) if (!have.makefile && vignette_is_tex(output)) { texi2pdf(file = output, clean = FALSE, quiet = quiet) output <- find_vignette_product(name, by = "texi2pdf", engine = engine) } outputs <- c(outputs, output)}, error = function(e) { thisOK <<- FALSE fails <<- c(fails, file) message(gettextf("Error: processing vignette '%s' failed with diagnostics:\n%s", file, conditionMessage(e)))}) 87: tools::buildVignettes(dir = "/Users/ripley/R/packages/tests-Accelerate/wildmeta.Rcheck/vign_test/wildmeta", skip = TRUE, ser_elibs = "/var/folders/pk/n4bndnt1287ctrd_ftthnnnr0000gp/T//Rtmp4Jf6Hm/file17f366b4be5d4.rds") An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ... Quitting from lines 197-217 [unnamed-chunk-9] (cwbmeta.Rmd) Error: processing vignette 'cwbmeta.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: Failed to retrieve the result of MulticoreFuture (future_sapply-1) from the forked worker (on localhost; PID 3988). Post-mortem diagnostic: No process exists with this PID, i.e. the forked localhost worker is no longer alive. The total size of the 11 globals exported is 516.55 KiB. The three largest globals are '...future.elements_ii' (238.67 KiB of class 'list'), 'arg_list' (179.80 KiB of class 'list') and '...future.FUN' (51.19 KiB of class 'function') --- failed re-building ‘cwbmeta.Rmd’ SUMMARY: processing the following file failed: ‘cwbmeta.Rmd’ Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * checking HTML version of manual ... OK * checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK * DONE Status: 1 ERROR See ‘/Users/ripley/R/packages/tests-Accelerate/wildmeta.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details. 89.83 real 85.70 user 5.59 sys