Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS

Unix Installation

To unpack the software

Put the downloaded file VR5.* in an empty directory. Use any of

	gzcat VR5.tar.gz | tar xvf -
	gzcat VR5.gz | sh
	gzip -dc VR5.gz | sh
        zcat VR5.Z | sh
	uncompress -c VR5.Z | sh
to unpack the software to various information files and the subdirectories MASS, class, nnet, spatial, treefix and test. (Directory test contains tests and instructions to use them.) Now follow the instructions in the file Install in the top-level directory.

If you not have a working nroff, download VR5help.tar.gz and use

       gzcat VR5help.tar.gz | tar xf -
       touch */.Data/.Cat.Help/*

Once installed, the libraries are made available via library commands such as

       library(MASS, first=T)
       library(treefix, first=T)

Use any of

        zcat VR2scripts.Z | sh
	uncompress -c VR2scripts.Z | sh
	gzcat VR2scripts.gz | sh
	gzip -dc VR2scripts.gz | sh

to unpack the scripts to directory scripts. The file ch08 contains the code from Chapter 8, and so on. These files can be used to cut-and-paste from an editor to the S-Plus session.

To use the software

Read (and follow) the instructions in the file Install.

Last edited on Weds 6 May 1998 by Brian Ripley (